Ugh. I feel terrible.
Mom brought some lovely little minor flu-like thing home from the office a few days ago, but we were pretty sure I hadn't come down with it... until I started to feel bad, and listed the symptoms to Mom, who just kept nodding...
I stayed home from school yesterday to get some rest, and I feel better today, so hopefully I should be okay by Thursday, when I have my next class. It's not bad as colds go, really, just a lot of exhaustion and occasional nausia. Come to think of it, it's not that much fun, either.
Goblet of Fire was out yesterday on DVD, so we went to Target to pick up a copy, and grab some other stuff we needed. So I'm staring at the first display of the new releases... and there is one copy of the full-screen DVD. I, of course, wanted the two-disc widescreen version with all the extra fun stuff. I pout, Mom grumbles,and then we remember that there's another place they put the new movies. Go over there, and I spot what looks to be the last copy of the two-disc set on the top shelf. So I reach for it, Mom almost knocks me into the rack (on accident) and as I'm grasping the coveted movie, a woman comes up behind us and says, "Oh no, they're sold out of Harry Potter!"
We told her about the full-screen one up front, but she didn't want it either. The last I saw of her, she was chatting up a guy stocking CDs a few feet away. "Excuse me, do you know if you have any more...?"
We left her to it. I mean, I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. Especally when my plans for today include checking my email, feeding the cat, taking a nap, and swooning over Moody's voice watching GoF.
So I got home, opened the DVD, and started laughing. They'd stuck an ad in there for those really cool expensive prop replicas and other nifty stuff from
The Noble Collection.
irreparable will get a kick out of this, I think:
Lucius Malfoy's walking stick. It's kind of expensive, so you're probably not getting it for your birthday, but it did make me laugh. :)
They do have some really cool expensive shit, most of which I could never afford. Though I'm now very tempted by that Ravenclaw pen...