Very low-key day. Breakfast at IHOP with the nana, a futile attempt at shopping, and re-arranging dinner plans with mum to another night.
I did receive some nice presents, though:
A bottle of Moet & Chandon
"Blood Roses" by Francesca Lia Block
A Red Sox memoir (can't remember the author)
Chocolates from Haven's
I, of course, treated myself to a few things as well:
A new toy from
NomiaCoach flats
Pearl earrings and ring
Diamond / white gold necklace
I'd write something profound about turning a quarter of a century or some malarkey like that...but I have consumed about three glasses of prosecco and some sinful chocolate mousse-filled cake (which I'm sure that the cardiologist would greatly approve of) and my mind is aching a bit and wandering a lot.