Dec 04, 2004 21:35
Sorry for updating so little lately. I just didn't really have anything to say. I'll update now. Better late then never I always say. n.n
I went to my sisters house this weekend, played Halo 2 with my nephews, and slept over. It was not good times because I had to sleep on the floor. My nephew snuck into the room and poked my side and the ran out like I didn't notice. Then 5 minutes later he came in with a flashlight. Of course I didn't get any sleep since these events were taking place at 3:00 AM and I went to sleep at one.Then to end a perfect day my mom didn't want to call my step dad to come pick us up. NOOOOOOO she wanted to go in a car with 5 other people. It was hell. My nephews kept fighting and I just slowly drifted off to sleep and imagined I was someplace else. The car ride from the depths of the 7th circle of hell lasted about 2 hours till we got home. The only upside of this trip was the mass playing of Halo 2. Well that's all that happened today. W00t. O_O
Joke of the day: Confucius says,"He who goes to sleep with itchy bum wakes up with stinky finger."