PB roundup!

Feb 04, 2011 03:18

I didn't get nearly as much fic up as I wanted to, but for what it's forth, here's what I did write:

somewhere only we know - harry potter, rose/lily luna, steam
...both of them knowing that tonight, there will be no awkward fumbling of fabric between them. Soon they're both naked, and both wet and soapy and pulling each other closer and closer.

All Enchanted Paintings - Mary Poppins, Mary/Burt, wind
He smiles, and then his lips are on hers, hungry and wanting and raw, full of the same longing that she feels singing inside her when she's stuck on that cloud, fit to burst, with nothing but thoughts of his slow smile and stolen kisses to keep her company. Not tonight. Not in this painting, in this moment.

Keep Shadows At Bay - The Lord of the Rings - Eomer/Aragorn, brothers in arms
Later, he'll realize that this is how he survived the war, how they both survived, staying as sane as could be expected, as able as could be hoped for. And this is how they will survive remembering it.

porn battle

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