May 25, 2012 14:03
...and I'm sure everyone else out there feels the same way. Not enough hours in the day to get done all the shit that we need to get done.
The last few months have gone by in a blur, and about the only thing I can recall outside the running around is that spring happened when I wasn't looking, and with vigor! I welcome the warm weather, as early and intense as it's been. I'm not a winter girl at all.
I completed my round of French classes that kept me in the rabbit hole all March. April was focussed on preparing for our big feast cook for Border Spat (May 12). What a crazy six weeks, still in the rabbit hole, as we all pulled together to get the work done. We heard great compliments from the diners and that makes me very happy. I did get some time in the sewing dungeon too in April sewing up the funky rapier weights we designed to test the swords to the new kingdom standards. I hope the Dons like them. I've got some empty ones at home that we can complete for another time down the road.
In the last few weeks of May, I've barely been outside the house, just trying to clean up the disaster in my home that followed all the pre-cooking. I spent half the long weekend doing housework... even though it was so nice out. I'm starting to forget how the sun feels on my skin. *le sigh* Fighter practice???! HA! Yeah. Not so much.
This weekend the circus continues as we head out to Crown in Barrie, and a few days with my Mom for her birthday. Then, immediately when we get back, I'm going full-throttle into planning Emelote's baby shower for June. And weekly golf lessons.
And they wonder why I have tendencies towards crazy mumbling in corners. I'm losing my mind.
I wonder if in July I might possibly get enough time for myself that I can slow my pace? If not, I might have to start looking for a 4XL straight jacket.
fighter practice,