Proposition 8 and why I am against it

Nov 03, 2008 16:40

Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.

Honestly, it is the only proposition I've read in full due to it's brevity. As short as it is, the problem I have with it is great. Seriously, what is the big problem? There is only one argument that seems to be the basis for all this hate and all this discrimination: God doesn't approve of same-sex marriage.  I ask everyone again, why is this even an issue?

I don't know if anyone here actually reads their history books or if you just take classes with multiple choice tests, but i'll just blurt out the obvious, we were not founded as a christian nation! Want references? A blatant one is Article 11 of the US Treaty with Tripoli between 1796 and 1797:

As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

A more accepted reasoning is the first amendment of the constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So before I continue in my argument, I will ask again, why is this even an issue? You want to know why? Simply put, fear has driven this argument and similar issues like it for Millenia. Religion in the eyes of an intellectual is proposterous. In the eyes of the weak, religion is hope. In the eyes of leaders, religion is a tool to control the weak. "In God we trust" was added to our money due to religious sentiment during the Civil War. "Under God" was added to the Pledge of Alliegance June 14, 1954 during the McCarthy era (Communism scare). National Prayer day was added into law August 12, 1998, for some reason... I guess....

"But I thought you were going to talk about marriage? This is all about religion..." I'm getting to that. Check this out.
Don't get it? Why don't you focus on the concentrated red area. Can't read that map? Here this might help you out.
 If that doesn't help you understand without further enlightenment, I would just say you should stop reading this because I won't get through to you. Now to talk about a similar issue in our nation's past. There is still one area of the world where by custom and/or law it is illegal. I hate to pull a parallel like that, but this area is just slightly more adamant about the saintity of marriage. Could it possibly be because of those nation's religious devotion? I'm pretty sure this is why. We are less adamant, like most of the world, but we still let religion control us when it should not be. We should be beyond this, but we sadly aren't.

So what exactly does proposition 8 do? It adds that first line of this entry to the California constitution. Due to its wording it will do two things. First, it will dissolve all marriges conducted in California since same-sex marriage has been legalized in california. Second, the state of California will no longer recognize same-sex marriages that were conducted in other states or countries.

So what happens if it fails? California is not allowed to discuss marriage in schools. If a teacher does that, complain because a no vote does not condone this action. A no vote does not reduce funding to churches or forces them to marry same-sex couples. This country was founded on the grounds of religious freedom, so any one that uses scare tactics to the contrary are just trying to impose their beliefs onto everyone else.

Why I'm I so adamant about this? I'm not gay, I'm a pastafarian that will do anything to ensure that global warming stops. If that includes letting gay pirates that are citizens to be given the right to marry so they continue their piratey ways, so be it. In all seriousness, I'm tired of how religion has been used as a tool against the masses for centuries for purposes of war and personal gain. A no vote lessens the hold religion has on our government and we can become a more mature nation.

You might note that I haven't said the specific countries or religious denominations. This is because certian things scare me.

A second note, this was posted publicly after the election. Why? I don't want to in any way influence your decision on the matter. Besides, if it happens once, it will happen again. :P

On a third note, since I voted No on prop 8, I guess that is further proof I am not black:
Blacks strongly voted for the ban, while whites leaned slightly toward opposing it. Latinos and Asians were split.
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