Oh god...I probably shouldn't even be on here..
College has suddenly dropped a ton of work on me...
Turns out my english coursework is done completely wrong, not completely suprising as we were given the question 3 days before spring break with no guidance. Now it has to be in on like...May 7th.
My art teacher got our exam days wrong...I have 13 days to fill a sketchbook with work and come up with a final piece whichI have to paint.
My spanish teachers are holding mock oral exams next week....for the oral I haven't even written yet. the real exam is May 19th.
On top of that my aunt just died after losing an uncle only last year and my great aunt in Spain who is my namesake...I have had more funerals than birthdays in the last year.
I feel like I am going to die.
One thing is good-I'm joint first with princess_chuchi in the Pullip Parade evil twin contest so far- i'm piecesofalice on there. I would so love to win that, it would mean so damn much. a little ray of sunshine in this awful AWFUL mess. Well we'll see...her idea was incredibly funny!
Yay for everyone's dollies who are cheering me up....especially
florellea's Josie... ah she brightened my day!