Should You Invest in a Personal Stylist?

May 20, 2007 16:21

Check out this article and video here:


With a personal stylist, you can forget about making fashion blunders and throwing away cash on clothes you'll only wear once.

Once upon a time fashion stylists were only used by the rich and famous, but now they're being used by people who are time-poor and those who simply want help with their wardrobe.

"I go through with the clients what they're looking for and what I think they should buy, then I just take them around the shops and they get an outfit or a wardrobe they're really happy with," Fiona says.

Client Deanne Caroosee says using a stylist has improved her look dramatically. "It's the best thing I ever did. And I think everyone who's seen the clothes I bought would agree."

Stylist fees start from $150 per hour, which sounds like a lot, but Shop Til You Drop editor Kerri Alcorn says the average woman spends around $4000 a year on bad clothing buys, so it can actually work out as good value for money.

"In the long run they can help you save money because they're directing you to buy something you'll actually wear, something that fits in with what you already have in your existing wardrobe," Kerri says.

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