Isn't it Ironic, Don't You Think? (yet another line ripped off)

Oct 11, 2007 02:43

After selling out and choosing the paying job, I've been tasked to deviate from the everyday (admittedly) mundane things that I do.

Bottom Line, Contest Mechanics: Salespeople and Service Reps Must Produce Quality Music Video Without Any Hint of Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll And Don't Even Try to Inject the Slightest Dose of Sarcasm Towards Management. READ: Cheesy is more acceptable than frivolous.

This is a low-budget venture(no budget, unless we shell out) designated to a small handful of us within the department. This is a chance for us to exercise our creative semi-freedom. It's quite liberating, finding myself in a group that includes people probably more creative than I am, having work experience in video production, or as a wardrobe consultant and production designer, or as part of the creative team in an advertising firm; finding ourselves asking one another the same question: "What the fuck are you doing, working here?!!!"

Kewl. There exists a such cluster of individuals within the walls of this monochromatic dimension. At least,  I'm not alone. Misery does love company.

Luckily, they bought most of my ideas. My stick drawings on mock storyboards work. Of course, there are and there still will be modifications, for I am merely a part of the creative pool. All members are male, except for me and a member of the third sex, who has the birth right to use the men's room.

We need to get our story straight before the weekend, so we can begin shooting by then. After we're done with the shoots, it will then be time for us to commit suicide---editing follows.

This reminds me so much of college, and how tumultuous it seemed then. *Sigh*...what I would give to go back to school and learn something new. For now, this will do.

Thank God for this and for that "Next Top Model(Kuno)" project. Misery has loads of company.

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