Jun 16, 2008 18:47
DuckCon was this weekend. It started on Friday the 13th, which, though I am not superstitious, really sucked in a variety of ways. I didn't know I had a table until Thursday after I was at work so I had no time to prepare, I got in the far lane of 88 and missed the exit and had a grand adventure getting back so I wasn't fully set up until almost 6... Somehow I managed to leave my keys in my car with something turned on and didn't know until Saturday night so my battery was dead, I only got 45 minutes of sleep Friday night (not on purpose, and maybe 3 hours on Saturday night) and well, a lot of other things to, but it still turned out okay.
I truly have an amazingly wonderful group of friends that I can actually count on. Those who are there when things are messy and make sure you have a drink/hug/jump(dead battery kind you perverts!)/food/ear/caffeine/time to make a blinkie/help, or a million other things, and that is no small thing! Thanks bunches!