Abandoned Places - The Lyric Theatre versus The Alabama Theatre (July 09)

Mar 19, 2010 10:20

I have discovered that there really is a limit to my abilities to post often. While I am reading many of your amazing posts, I’m limited to only a few hours a day that I can plan write and edit a post of my own.

As we climbed through The Lyric Tower, the higher we went, another thing became evident. The doors in the top 3 floors all had stories to tell. On the sixth floor, all the doors were carefully removed and

Right this way

Some doorways to the past still stand

Some lay open beckoning us to enter and intrude on what secrets lay within

Some doorways show change

Some merely await renewal

Passing of businesses

Doors to a past when Birmingham had a trolley system

Some seemed to point the way to new and old

Some doors had moved on and left their past behind

The upper two floors had suffered the longest neglect, had the greatest damage and contained to oldest graffiti.

Notice the old style phone number?

Reflections on the past?

Waiting room benches (with some utility)

Children’s play

Closing time? 6th Floor Office

Much as I wanted to complete this set with one post, I also don’t want to force 30+ images. One more from this trip to the Lyric will follow. They will also contain “the hall of bones.”


If you would like to assist in the restoration and recovery of The Lyric, donations can be made through their website ( http://www.lyricfineartstheatre.com/ ) and potentially through special events and activities to be announced in the near future. Folks, I’ll be posting more images (normal and comparison sets) soon.

abandoned place, photography, commercial, se usa

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