May 16, 2006 15:15
Sociology prof tells us last week that the hardest reading in the course is also the first topic to be presented. Basically trumps up the reading, says he doesn't want any first years attempting it, and makes it clear that whoever takes this on is showing themselves as brave and outstanding students deserving of an A.
All that being said I am assuming it will be a fist to cuffs for the topic. I get to tutorial and discover I am the ONLY one who wants it. Either I am very brave or very daft.
However, the topic is Foucault. I LOVE Foucault! He is all about criminology. The paper is on Benthams panopticon. I am all over this! Its an intellectual feast! Mental masturbation anyone?! Who doesn't want this???
The down side is that I have to find a way to engage 15 students in discussion for 30 minutes. That is damn near impossible for anyone to achieve. I was thinking of using sugar as bribery but I doubt that will go over well. It's the first class, they are all going to be shy and awkward and most of them are 18, - fresh out of high school where educated discourse is something your READ about, not engage in. Should be interesting.
But regardless, the topic RAWKS. I am so excited about Foucault, and Bentham, and, and, and....damn knowledge is hot.
Anyone else find themselves a little more excited then they want to admit to at the thought of knowledge? information? libraries? theories of old dead men?