I'm getting into that anxious period again where fanfiction's work, and though it's beautiful work the slog is a little too close to my day job. This, however, is easily remedied -- it's just a matter of getting rid of the block, and that's done by setting myself up for success by doing the easy and rewarding and self-indulgent shit. So please help me unearth a pie from the freezer, and join me in the Timestamp meme I saw floating around.
Give me one of
my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.
I highly recommend this to anyone finding the slog tiresome. There is nothing like giving yourself a foolproof* challenge to re-energize you to finishing stories and not making yourself look like a moron in front of
roachpatrol or watching
cephiedvariable shake her head quietly when you reveal you have written exactly six more words on that Dave story you said would write. Her head moves... very... slowly.
*nothing is too foolproof for me