Jul 23, 2007 19:33
WEll its been forever since I have been on lj. Right now I should be using my time more wisely, but come-on what's better than beening on the net?! haha. I'm at work right now, I was looking at someone's blog that had a link to lj so thats's how I ended up checking this out.
Lately things have been good then bad, up then down right back to up again..
I got a new job[utmb], and will be leaving my old job [macy's] in august. I was accepted in utmb's school of nursing and start at the end of august. I am currently taking two classes there right now that are tough but im hanging in there.
Home life: relationship with the parents couldnt be better. Its just my younger brother who is a pain in the ass. He is disrespectful to my mom and just seems to be full of hate. I just ignore him, but its hard when i hear about the things he has told my mom. So i avoid by being home.
Love life: what love life. love hits you when you least expect it., right?. a wisw person told me that[ she knows who she is]. i randomly/unexpectedly started dating this guy who is my ex now. He just couldnt 'love' me for who i was. now im back to the same ole. what ever happens happens.
I did turn 21 a little over a month ago. Had fun//bbq and got drunk!
Tham just turned 21 that was fun too. Went to galveston and hit up tsunamis and murpheys[?] got drunk and managed to drive nate and myslef home. fun night not so fun next morning. I had to be up by 6 and at work by 8. i didnt get home till 5 so yeah.. it sucked being at work. came home and passed out!
Tomorrow: test @ 1 class from 2-4 and tutoring from 5-7, its going to be a long nght and day. I am here at work until midnight and whn i get home im putting coffee on the pot and staying up all night cramming!