tired + hetalia dub preview

Jul 05, 2010 02:52

I've been fixing up my LJ since midnight or so, and now, it's almost 3:30 in the morning.
Darnit, LJ, you're so time-consuming. ;_;

For all of you Hetalia fans, have you seen this yet? :'D
Lots of people have been complaining about China/Russia/Spain's voices, but personally, I like China's (how can you argue with the 'chinese tasty treat'?), Russia's is a nice change from the original, and Spain sounds macho. :D
Germany's voice was utterly perfect (Travis Willingham, is that you?), Switz was... eh... (Vic Mignogna? Thank god he didn't get Italy), America's voice was also great, England's needs some work, and I can't really make out the rest.
Apparently, Todd Haberkorn is playing Italy, which is a great thing so I'm not worried as much about his voice.

Excuse the bad grammar. I'm tired. D:

random, hetalia, late-night, livejournal

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