Today was sooo happy!
Firstly, I must is Arashi's 10th anniversary!!
♥♥♥♥♥Happy Birthday Arashi♥♥♥♥♥
Love love love love love the five of you,please have another and another and another happy 10 years!
Can't wait to see the concert in just over a month...!!
But what's even better about today is that I got to spend this day (since it was a holiday for Culture Day) with my beloved senpai,
simply_shine! Haven't seen her in sooo long♥♥♥♥♥
I went to Sendai and we spent a girl's day out~ Starbucks, shopping, purikura, pasta, karaoke (we went to Karaoke-kan and I sang so much Arashi but Arashi didn't come in surprise-ambush us like in last week's Himitsu no Arashi-chan...;___;), and then finally ending it off with more shopping and more Starbucks!
So many Starbucks stores in Sendai XDD
Then, after I thought I failed getting the purikura on the cell phone, apparently, we can get it AFTERwards thru the cellphone site!!!
So senpai, here are the pics~~
Yes, also Nishikido Ryou-san's birthday★
Aaa, so much fun~~Thanks so much for the great day senpaiiiiii~~~
When I got home at night I saw this near my apartment!
sooooooo Xmas feel was so cold, too!! cold I bought two pairs of boots ahahaha..ha.......wwwwwwww