If i had just one wish, i'd ask for some fish

Apr 30, 2005 01:28

dman you laura! I can't stop listening to this song -.-;;

Anywhoo, today was my last day at work :( i'll miss that place. It seems i don't get the job next term as my boss Rui isn't sure at this point at what type of student he wants, but he said that if my skills are needed, that he would want me back. So..i guess thats a concelation prize. I felt kinda bummed out after i found that out though. C'est la vie i guess. But i am definetly apply for a job in TO again, i think i want to work there once i get out of school. But in reality i go where the jobs are. At least this work term gave me some direction in my life. I know i want to be in CS. A few other things happened this term that gave me some insight into myself. Which i am very happy about, seems like i'm finally starting to take control of my life. Its about damn time too.

So nick and i went to go see hitchhickers, it was great, i suggest you go see it.

I can't remember what else i was going to put in this post..so..i'm going to go to bed
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