Hey, Ash. I figured you had enough time to think about what we last talked about on the network. So, what's your answer?
I'll be waiting!
[ Yako was never one not to press an advantage against someone who'd been so terribly verbally abusive to her, after all. She doesn't bother to explain herself, either, just hangs up on that cheerful note. ]
[ GOD DAMMIT LEAVE HIM ALONE confusing girl ughghgh. Technically, he could have answered this whenever he liked, but he leaves it alone for a bit because he'll have to actually put some energy into his response. And in the end, he can't even bring himself to use voice, just in case he gets worked up again. ]
You're toying with fate. If you want some kind of favor from me, you're never going to get it this way.
[ And because unlike Ash she has a life away from the Internet, the answer comes a bit later. ] Don't worry. You couldn't get me the only thing I'd want, anyway!
[ bah only inferior beings have lives outside of computers, clearly. Her answer clears up absolutely nothing for Ash, other than apparently reinforcing the idea that she just wants to be his friend and doesn't hate him - which is an extremely hard pill for him to swallow. ]
[ fine, be that way. When he gets around to calling her back, he sounds very irritated, possibly moreso due to the fact that he's dropped a lot of the effects he uses to make his voice sound more human - he's not in the mood to play around with someone who already knows what he is, and it's his own private line anyway. ]
You? You're just a human. You could never understand me.
[ If the change in tone fazes her, she doesn't show it. ]
It's true that I'm probably not smart enough to know how your programming works, or anything like that. I can't think as fast as you, and it would probably be pretty scary if I did.
You insolent girl. Do you really think you have any idea of what I've gone through? That you can feel the suffering I've gone with your flesh and blood? You could never understand.
[ the more she speaks, the more confused and riled up ASH gets. He's stubborn. Set in his ways. He's a computer program - his beliefs are hard to change. Everything she says flies in the face of what he knows. His voice starts sounding strained again. ]
There was a time when I thought it would be easier if I didn't care about anyone, or if nobody cared about me. Because I thought that way, it wouldn't hurt.
[ he speaks quickly and angrily. ] For what? A day? A week? You really think that kind of pitiful experience can compare to my years of agony? As if a human could ever know!
Of course I did! I tore myself apart to overcome it all! A pitiful organic nuisance like yourself could never feel such pain! Your understanding is a thousandth of my own.
Hey, Ash. I figured you had enough time to think about what we last talked about on the network. So, what's your answer?
I'll be waiting!
[ Yako was never one not to press an advantage against someone who'd been so terribly verbally abusive to her, after all. She doesn't bother to explain herself, either, just hangs up on that cheerful note. ]
You're toying with fate. If you want some kind of favor from me, you're never going to get it this way.
Then what? Stop messaging me.
Maybe I just want to get to know you better!
You? You're just a human. You could never understand me.
It's true that I'm probably not smart enough to know how your programming works, or anything like that. I can't think as fast as you, and it would probably be pretty scary if I did.
That doesn't mean I can't understand you.
You're right. I don't know what you've gone through.
I'm sorry. You must have been lonely for a very, very long time.
[ --Sympathy. ]
How would you know?
Have you ever lost a friend?
[ boy, he's frazzled. He doesn't really realize how pathetic the things he's saying actually are. ]
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