Because one gift wasn't enough, here's another. Or another two, hence the part 2b which was totally unplanned until about three hours ago.
Firstly in the second half, some (namely ten) random sims. These are all sims I've posted on my tumblr at some point, so I hope you like 'em.
Just one thing first though- if you plan on downloading quite a few, please use the download all link below to ease the strain on my bandwidth. It'd be greatly appreciated:
-DOWNLOAD ALL SIMS- And so we begin.
SIM #1: Ahti
'Ahti is a man with a dream- a dream to build a fully functioning giant mecha-robot-snail entirely from empty milk bottles, duct tape and disassembled cheese graters. As to whether its actually possible or not, he doesn’t really know, but that’s sure as hell not gonna stop him from trying.'
'John, a grilled cheese enthusiast, plays bass in a world-famous metal band. He can’t quite remember how that came to be, since he’s actually a drummer and at the time was applying to join an avant-garde jazz band instead. Now there’s probably some poor sod attempting to play drums in 49/8 thanks to this bizarre mix-up.
He’s not complaining though, he makes millions of simoleons through playing three notes for a couple of hours on a stage. Which is really, really damn awesome even if he does say so himself. Imagine all the grilled cheese you can buy with that…'
DOWNLOAD JOHN SIMS #3 and 4: Kai and Raija
'Raija and Kai aren’t just twins. They’re also the leading experts in extreme pastry-making. Does flipping a pancake while skydiving seem difficult to you? These two wouldn’t even break a sweat. Hell, they probably wouldn’t even be remotely challenged unless said pancake-flipping-skydiving involved wrestling a bear armed with at least three chainsaws during a thunderstorm straight into the path of a violently erupting volcano. But only if they were blindfolded at the same time. Being able to see makes it way too easy.'
'Kaisa is a huge fan of bad taxidermy. In her garage, she’s currently constructing a dino-chicken-tapir-zebra-cockroach-worm-cow-hamster hybrid thing, and has plans to attach it to a set of roller skates so she can take it on walks and the like. It will be glorious.'
'Nadine is not amused. Nadine is never amused.
Or so she’d like you to think. In truth, she’s rather partial to a bit of toilet humour, but that doesn't really go with the whole I-hate-everything-go-die-in-a-hole persona she’s aiming for, and would prefer to keep that secret secretly stashed in a secret place, forever.'
'Nicolai, an aspiring athlete with a (non-irrational) dire fear/hatred of deer.
You see, one day the little doe-eyed bastards somehow overran the entirety of his house. Every room from the kitchen to the toilet was packed from wall to wall with deer, and they showed no sign of wanting to clear off. It took him three goddamn days to de-deer his house, and from that moment he’s been constantly haunted by the mere thought of anything deer-related.
Every night on the way back home, he’s haunted by deer, always remaining just out of eyeshot. In the library, in the shower, there’s deer watching him. His nightmares are filled with visions of his neighbours becoming horrific half-deer half-human hybrids, trapping him in a FIREY BLEAT-FILLED PRISON OF PAAAAIIIIINNNNN. And he can’t stop it, can’t escape the persistent torture from those hellish four legged mammals.
I have only pity for the guy.'
'I called this guy Spork. Because real names take effort.
He lives his life in a perma-state of over excitement. Going to the supermarket? YAY! Having baked beans for lunch for the fifth day in a row? YAY! Stuck in traffic? YAY! Library card expired? YAY! House been burgled? YAY!
And so on.'
'V, a stupidly pretty, fabulously haired alien-hybrid with what appears to be a fatal allergy to wearing shirts and eyebrows.'
'Judging by the many lustful, unbroken gazes passers by tend to aim in his direction, Yannic appears to be a hypnotist of sorts. Unfortunately for the many sims who developed major crushes on him without his knowledge, he’s more interested in thinking of every conceivable method of death involving a teacup than any form of romantic adventure.'
So, I found some nice textures to wrestle into something usable, and came up with a set of walls and a set of floors I'd like to share with you.
Firstly, a set of wood floors in eight various colours:
SWATCH And secondly, a set of walls. The texture came from a wall tile, and they were supposed to be wall tiles with a stucco upper part, but they ended up looking more like wallpaper instead. Oh well, someone should be able to find a use for them. They come in ten colours and can be found under the tiles category:
SWATCH -DOWNLOAD FOLLOWER GIFT PART IIb: WALLS AND FLOORS- Anyways, thanks for bearing with me in this really long-ass post, and I hope you enjoy at least something over these two posts. And thanks again for the follows and stuff!