Title: Then I set fire to our bed
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Characters: Sherlock, John
Rated: G
Word count: 510
Warning: Post-Reichenbach, so SPOILERS!
Disclaimer: Not mine T_T
A/N: For
kodoku_megumi who is awesome \o/ (also, no beta so all mistakes are proudly owned by me ^^"(edit: belated beta by the lovely
kira_k cuz' she's awesome too:3)
Aaaand cut! )
oh my, I don't know what to say XD firstly, a huge 'thank you'; this time you actually wrote me a fanfiction *0*/
they are just perfect; I can't decide if John really would be this British, or beat the hell out of Holmes the minute he realized what's happening; but I liked this version immensely *0*
So, thank you! ♥♥♥
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