Microcosm Profile/Application

Jul 30, 2009 18:10

Player Name: Skyla Doragono
Journal: skyla_doragono
E-mail: skyladoragono at gmail dot com
Age: 25

Character Name: Albel Nox (Albel the Wicked)
Series: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Point in canon: On the Diplo, before the Moonbase event. NOTE: this is assuming you choose Albel as your seventh perminant character.
Character Background and Personality: Albel Nox is a skilled warrior, born and raised in Kirlsa, in the kingdom of Airyglyph. His father, Glou Nox, was captain of the Dragon Brigade, the elite, air dragon riding soldiers of the kingdom and Albel, as his son, was expected to follow in his footsteps. So, at fifteen years old, Albel decided he was ready to take the trial that would get him his own dragon mount: the Ascension of the Flame, a ceremony that has a very low chance of success as it is, and those that don't pass it usually die. So it's not surprising that Albel's arrogance cost him; his left arm was destroyed and just as he was about to be killed, his father protected him, dying in his place.

It's unclear exactly what happened to him between the time this happened and the time he first appears in game. Obviously, he aquired a mechanical claw to replace the arm he lost, and eventually rose in rank enough to become the captian of the Black Brigade. Also it is implied that Woltar, the captain of the Storm Brigade, raised him since his father's death, from NPC dialogue in Woltar's mansion, and the fact that Woltar is the only person that can refer to Albel as a "boy" and not end up gutted. It's also clear that the current leader of the Dragon Brigade, Vox, has a healthy dislike for Albel.

When he's first seen in game, it's in a conference with the king and the other brigade captains over what to do with the captured Fayt and Cliff. Only Albel is the only one that looks like he couldn't care any less, offering to "deal with them" even though he probably knew it would draw a "..." response from everyone else in the room.

As mentioned, the captian of the Dragon Brigade, Vox, greatly dislikes Albel. He's a man who likes to control everyone he feels is beneath him, and he foolishly includes Albel in that, though Albel has no interest in anyone other than the king trying to give him orders. So after Cliff and Fayt's escape, when word comes that the two of them are heading to the Kirlsa Training Facility, where the Black Brigade is stationed, Vox makes sure to detain Albel for a long time. It takes him quite awhile to get away from Vox, to the point where he shows up just in time to watch his second in command, Shelby, get totally annihilated by Fayt and the others. Albel, however, has no interest in cleaning up his subordinace's blunder, and it's not in his nature to take prisoners, so he lets them go.

As the story follows Fayt for the most part, it's really unclear what is going on with Albel afterwards. Considering he's the commander in charge of the war with Aquaria, one can imagine how he keeps himself busy in the time from this point, to when he's seen again as the party makes their escape from Bequerel Mine with a load of copper for a weapon to use in the war. He has some, erm... "fun" (if you call getting the crap beat out of you fun) with two of Nel's suborinates, before taking Fayt and the others in for play time. Unfortunately for Albel, its him that ends up being turned into a fool, as after a grueling fight, Fayt and the others have him just barely using his sword to hold himself up. Unlike the other Airyglyph soldiers, however, Fayt decides to leave Albel (barely) alive. After all, "easy wins have never been [his] style". It's hard to tell what Albel's really thinking as they leave, but the scream of rage he lets out can give one a pretty good clue.

Soon after, all hell breaks loose between Airyglyph and Aquaria, only Albel is not part of the battle. After his failure against Fayt, Vox accuses him of treason and has him locked up in the dungeon at Airyglyph. Because of this, not only does he miss out on the battle as well as Vox's death, but also on the sudden attack by the Vendeeni (fish-like aliens that had been pursuing Fayt since the beginning of the game) and also Fayt's strange abilities activating to destroy one of the alien ships.

It's not until the two kingdoms decide on a peace treaty that Albel is seen again. The party needs to go into the Urssa Lava Caves to capture an air dragon powerful enough to carry an Aquarian weapon up into the air high enough to hit the Vendeeni ships. King Airyglyph agrees to the alliance, but only if Albel can represent his country; after all, he's quite fond of him. Of course, Albel himself isn't too keen on this, especially since he's been locked away and out of the loop, and even more so when Woltar informs him of what the king wants him to do (for the obvious reasons). It takes Woltar bringing up his father and how the others have already handed him his behind to get Albel to even agree to going along with this, despite the fact that success would mean his freedom for good.

So, Albel gets to travel with the group and get to know the people that were the first humans to ever beat him. Perhaps he liked what he saw in them, because one night while resting in Peterny, Albel decided to wake Fayt up for a little chat... and by wake up, I mean use his pillow for target practice while his head was still on it. Albel only had one question for Fayt though; "Do you hate me?" He's genuinely surprised when Fayt replies that he isn't; after all, he's hurt his friends before and not given a damn about it. But Fayt sticks with his answer, and despite the fact that Albel essentially tells him to keep dreaming, he's rather touched by his reply.

When they finally arrive at the Mountains of Barr and the ruins leading to the Urssa Lava Caves, Albel stays fairly aloof, for the obvious reasons. After gay boss #5345392, meeting up with a bunny, and then backtracking all the way back to the first dungeon you've ever been on in this planet (yes, I hate this game too), they finally confront the Marquis of dragons, Crosell. The dragon, however, isn't so thrilled that they have the audacity to ask him to carry a weapon made by human hands, leaving the party to force the dragon to listen to them. Twice. Finally, the dragon lends them his assistance, flying them back to Aquaria to pick up the weapon needed to fight back against the Vendeeni. The weapon is mounted on Crosell's back, and they take off with a fleet of other air dragons, trying to fight off the vendeeni ships. However, the weapon has little effect, and they probably would have been destroyed if an energy beam hadn't come out of no where to destroy both Vendeeni ships.

Just as they're trying to figure out just what that energy beam had been fired from, a report comes in that multiple instances of the same energy beams, some more powerful than what had destroyed the Vendeeni ships, were all converging on one point: Earth. Their purpose done on the planet, and with more pressing matters at hand, Fayt and the others from space take their leave...


Albel would have no knowledge of this, so I'll be brief. Just as the Diplo leaves the planet's orbit, a Vendeeni ship approaches, demanding that the crew surrender Fayt to them in exchange for the life of his father. The Vendeeni opt to exchange hostages on the planet they just left, at the Kirlsa Training Facility. See? That was brief. :P

Fayt rearrives at the facility, and swears he sees someone almost as soon as he arrives, but shrugs it off; he has a hostage situation to attend after all. Little does he know, is that Albel has returned to his "turf" to seek some time to himself, he didn't count to being privy to this. The Vendeeni attack, going against their word on just swapping Fayt for his father, and preferring to just take Fayt (like no one saw that coming). Their group easily deals with the soliders that came with the Vendeeni leader, unfortunately the Vendeeni cheat, and the bring in reinforcements while keeping them from doing the same, forcing their group to split up and flee. They regroup, and strike out against the Vendeeni leader to defeat him and the transport jammer he set up to block their escape.

Just when it looks like Fayt and the others are about to end up extremely outnumbered, Albel finally reveals himself (after all, those worms are HIS prey dammit >:|), destroying the transport jammer, much to the surprise of the Vendeeni. That surprise doesn't last long, as the leader shoots Albel down just as he's about to hurry to rejoin Fayt for battle. Fortunately, thanks to Albel, reinforcements from the Diplo are able to transport down, forcing the Vendeeni to retreat. Just as they're about to get Albel up to their ship for treatment, the Vendeeni return. With their ship and means of leaving the planet destroyed, they decide to kill Fayt and his father instead. Fayt's father pushes him out of the way, taking the fatal shot meant for him. Fayt proceeds to fuck up the Vendeeni's world, finishing them off just in time for his father to die.

The group transport back up to the Diplo, where Albel is put to rest in the medical ward...

Albel is extremely lacking in social skills. He's not anti-social, as he'll talk to people, but anyone speaking to him will most likely end up being referred to as a maggot, worm, or fool (or all a combination of all three) within the first few seconds. He's confident in his fighting abilities, and he's not afraid to let others know he's the biggest badass in all of Airyglyph, despite his general air of not giving a shit about anything. His arrogance needs it's own massive palace to keep it in, and he's not the kind of person to let others try and walk all over him, which is why him and the captian of the Dragon Brigade, Vox, butt heads. He is merciless in battle, not afraid to kill people, but also forgiving to the weak in the respect that he doesn't prey on or bully those that are not as strong as he is. This makes him a surprisingly honorable warrior, despite his attitude and nickname.

All this, however, is just how he deals with the world and others in it on the outside. Deep down, he hates himself more than anything else in the world. Forgive me for using a quote from the game, but his answer to the Crimson Scourge in a sidequest (that would happen after his canon point, so this is just being used in a reference to his personality) best sums up just how much he loathes himself:

"I hate myself.
I hate myself for the inexperience that makes me a failure in battle!
I hate myself for the selfishness that will not allow me to accept others!
I hate myself for the arrogance that makes me look down on those weaker than I!
I hate myself for my suspicion-filled heart that distrusts the King!
I hate myself for the rebellious nature that prevents me from cooperating with others.
I hate myself for the jealous nature that makes me envious of those superior to me.
I hate myself for the death of my father, brought by my own impotence!"

"This, then, is your answer?"

"Yes! I hate nothing more than myself!"

It takes him a long time to trust other people, most likely because of the loss he's suffered in his life. Most likely, you're going to have to beat the shit out of him (like Fayt did) to get him to even give you the time of day. His reaction from that point would most likely be unpredictable, though the likelihood of him "following you around to find a way to kill you" is pretty high.
Sexual Orientation: Faytsexual Questionable, at best; it's probably safe to say he's asexual, in a "he's never really thought about it and doesn't really care either" sense as opposed to a willful choice (despite his rather old age for the mideveal civilization he lives in). He's shown to have no real preference in the game, and he obviously has no love for himself either. In the game, the choices you make as Fayt influence how characters interact with you. Considering you have to make a pretty positive impression on Albel to get him to join you as your seventh (granted by going out of your way and choosing the right option, but still), he obviously holds him in high regard.
Sample Post: The room in the labs was just like all the rest, and as usual in this place, there was a new person within. Whomever they were, they were being rather quiet, almost eeriely so, and anyone listening outside of the lab room would have thought that the welcome message was going off inside for no reason what-so-ever. Suddenly, however, there was a loud crash, and the friendly welcome voice came to a garbled halt. A loud, beyond irritated growl came from the room afterwards, followed by what sounded like a miniature war raging in the tiny room before everything fell quiet once again.

Another long moment passed, before a claw suddenly stabbed into the door from within. The claw tightened, bending the metal with a great amount of effort, before the owner of it jerked backwards, ripping the door clean off the hinges. Of course, they could have just opened it like a normal human being, but the lanky swordsman that was revealed on the other side was far, far too irate to care enough. Behind him was the results of his carnage: a light dangling from the ceiling, flickering in and out before finally clanging loudly to the ground. The medical table had been ripped clean off its support, upended and slammed against a wall, and what little else that had been in the room that did not belong to the young man was... well, no longer in existance.

"Where are you, you blue haired maggot!?" Albel Nox growled, stalking out into the hallway and looking around, the long wrapped tails of hair that trailed behind him whipping about. The little worm had a lot of nerve, returning the kindness he had shown in saving his life by leaving him in such strange place, and clothed in paper nonetheless. His anger was far from satiated, and it wouldn't be until he had the opportunity to... "ask" Fayt just what he had been thinking.

The thought brought a cruel smile to the Wicked man's face, and he gripped the hilt of his sword with his flesh and blood hand, stalking down the hallways in search of his prey...

