Ura/Ishi Fic

Oct 10, 2006 01:01

Over here by request from
myuki_chan who left me a lovely review and asked me to post this here.

Title:  Another Proposal
Author: Manda-chan ardane1
Characters/Pairing: Urahara Kisuke/Ishida Uryuu, brief appearance by Yoruichi
Rating: R, er perhaps edging into the NC-17? *teehee*
Warnings/Spoilers, if any:  This takes place after the SS arc, so spoilers abound for those who have not gotten that far, also, Uryuu has just gotten the ultimatum from his father, but not decided yet.  Thats where we are in the timeline.  Also, my Urahara is always an equal opportunity smexor......think....hedonist.  XD!  Also my Urahara is based somewhat on the Japanese seiyuu, Shinchiro Miki-sama's interpretation of him....*sighs*  Miki-sama.....
Dedication: gallo_de_pelea baby this one is all for you......Happy Birthday!  It was inspired by my pervy mind and your wonderful art, mainly this picture of Urahara below.....*chu*

Ishida Uryuu decided to take the long way home that day.  Later, when he was able to think about what happened without complete mortification, it was almost as if something drew him along that way subconsciously.  To be honest, at the time his mind was still turning over his father's provocative offer.  That had been all he had been able to think on for days.  Avoiding his new friends, he knew whatever decision he made would be a painful and an irreversible one.  His father was not known for his compassion.

So thats how he found himself in front of the Urahara Shouten that fine sunny afternoon, lost in thought, said proprietor of the store watching in the shadows of the doorway the internal struggle of a lost young man.  Never let it be said that Urahara Kisuke couldn't take advantage of a situation.  A small smile met the older man's face as he whipped out his trusty fan and made his way towards him.

"Why Ishida-san!  Whatever are you doing on this side of town!"  tittered a well-know voice from behind Uryuu.  Startled, he turned around and met with the familiar shaded eyes of Urahara-san, who was grinning while tipping his hat. 
"Urahara-san, I was lost in thought, gomen."  Ishida replied bowing slightly.  Urahara-san had always made him slightly nervous, not that he would admit that, even to himself.  Maybe it was those eyes.....

"Well!  I can't let such a good acquaintance walk by without inviting him in for refreshment!~" Urahara exclaimed behind his fan, "I have some new tea I've been dying *titter* to try!  It would be advantageous to have another opinion."

"Urahara-san, I'm sorry, but I really have to be getting home tod-ACK!" Ishida exclaimed suddenly as Urahara grabbed him by the lower arm and all but yanked him towards the Shouten.  "Now Ishida-san!  You don't want to hurt my feelings!  Its just a little tea and com~pan~y!"  Urahara sing-songed.

Ishida just sighed and gave up.  What was another hour?  Besides it wasn't like he was afraid of Urahara-san or anything.  He was a good guy, for a former shinigami, if a little eccentric in his ways.  Urahara led him to a room with mats on the floor and a low table.  Ishida sat while Urahara began making the tea.

"Well now, Ishida-san, what is it now that has you tied up in knots, hmmmm?"  Urahara said knowingly, bringing the sweet smelling tea to the table.  Ishida narrowed his eyes slightly, "Forgive me, but I'm not sure thats any of your business.", he stiffly replied.

Urahara smiled secretly while gazing at him over the table, "Drink the tea, its very good."  Ishida thought that was an excellent idea.  The sooner he drank, the sooner he could get out of the Shouten, away from those glittering eyes.  He practically drank half of it without tasting it.  "It is very good, Urahara-san"

Urahara set down his own cup.  "Glad you like it.  Now why don't you tell me what that father of yours is holding over your head."  Ishida started so bad, he almost broke the cup, "How do you..."

Urahara chuckled, "Ishida-kun, you'll find that very little goes on in this town that I don't know about.  Especially concerning the spiritually gifted.  I already know about the loss of your Quincy powers, Ishida-kun.  Now what has he told you to make you so frustrated.  Maybe Kisuke-kun can help, ne?"  Ishida pushed his glasses up, "He said that in order to help me get my powers back.....I can't ever associate with shinigami ever again."  he murmured.

"Ah, and you don't want to lose the close friends you just found?  Or perhaps.....is it Inoue-san."  Urahara said shrewdly, eyes glittering.  Ishida's eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed even more than before, "About the friends, yes, about Inoue-san, I don't know what you are talking about.  I think its time for me to leave, this is pointless."

As Ishida tried to rise from the floor however, dizziness overcame him, along with an uncomfortable feeling of heat.  It was almost like his clothes were irritating his skin.  He collapsed again to his knees.
"Ara~ Ishida-kun, that would be the tea.  I think you need to relax.  Rising too quickly won't be good like that"  Urahara murmured from beside him.

"What did you do to me?  Why am I so hot....."  Ishida panted.  He was all but writhing in his clothes.  Even his glasses were fogging up.  Urahara was suddenly right there, undoing the zipper on his school shirt, running a hand along his chest.  "You need to relax to think things through more clearly Ishida-kun, and you are such a pretty boy.  I'm going to help you."  he whispered before claiming his lips.

Ishida's eyes widened momentarily before closing.  He really should be struggling and he was trying but it was just so hot and Urahara-san was making things better by helping him out of his clothes...

Ishida continued to think this faulty logic until Urahara wrapped a hand around his stiffening penis and stroked lightly.  Ishida's eyes popped open in surprise to gaze into amused gray ones.  Just when the hell did he get naked!  And when did I get naked?

"Urahara-san..I don't think..Ah..this...."  Ishida tried to whisper, much to Urahara's delight.  Urahara bent down blowing softly in Ishida-kun's ear while whispering, "Uryuu, its a little late to be protesting now, just look at the problem you have!", a quick firm stroke, "I have to make sure you are taken care of, you~are~my~guest."

Ishida moaned softly as Urahara kissed and licked his way down his body, pausing briefly at his chest to tease his nipples, causing Uryuu to cry out sharply.  Continuing his downward descent on the boy's body, Urahara came to his destination.  Looking up into the boy's beautiful blue eyes, Urahara licked slowly up the bottom of Ishida's penis, from bottom to tip.  Ishida's eyes rolled back in his head and hit the mat with a loud thunk as Urahara continued licking and sucking.

When Urahara began penetrating him with his fingers, Ishida was in too much bliss to notice right away.  It wasn't until he hit that one spot deep inside that set off his orgasm, that he realized just where Urahara's fingers were, and by then he really didn't care.  Ishida cried out sharply, abruptly grabbing Urahara's hair before coming back to himself.

Realizing what had just occurred, Uryuu looked sharply down at Urahara and was fascinated watching him lick his lips clean.  "Nothing quite tastes as good as a beautiful young boy, ne?  Uryuu?"

Ishida blushed fiercely at the implications and began to squirm on the mat, wondering how quickly he could get dressed and scramble out.   Urahara looked at him shrewdly, "Oh no, Uryuu, its not over yet, in fact, we're just getting started....."

Ishida Uryuu did not make it home that night......


The next morning, long after dawn had broken and the beautiful boy had left the Shouten, Urahara Kisuke stood in his doorway, gazing at the clouds. 
"Oi, Kisuke, you going to stand there all day or can I get some milk sometime!"  said a loud feminine voice behind him.
"Ah, Yoruichi, was just lost in thought...." he murmured.  Yoruichi walked the rest of the way outside, looked askance at him, "Yeah, I know what you are thinking and you should be ashamed of yourself.  That boy is just fifteen and confused."  Yoruichi replied.

Kisuke looked over at her, "When have you ever known me to know shame?  Besides,", he said with a smirk, "he was feeling better when~he~left!"
Yoruichi just rolled her eyes, "GAH!  You are hopeless.  You had just better hope Ryuuken doesn't find out.  Deep shit then my friend."  She turned to walk inside, "And where the hell is my milk, huh?"

Kisuke smiled softly to himself, eyes glittering again, "Ryuu-chan, now I haven't seen him for a while...."



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