Sep 01, 2011 21:24

Hi people.

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Katami-san's work. If you're not, go and read it. Now, please. She is a phenomenal writer, and has contributed a lot of good stories to the genre.

Perhaps her most crowning acheivment, however, is her 60+ chapters-long fic, The Shadow of What Was, posted here at -

Now, I might be slightly biased in this regard. For me, this was the story that made me a UraIchi fan. This was the story that left me panting and begging for more, this was the story that - eventually - led me to acquiring some of the best on-line friends I have EVER known and prompted my evolution from a lurker to a writer.

The point of this post is, someone stole the story - all 60+ chapters of it - and posted it as their own work on

The author has already informed the site about the theft, as have I. We have every expectation that it will be taken down shortly.

I would like to ask you to please support Katami-San in this admittedly stressful time. She has been working - continuously - on this story for the past four years, and someone just *stole* it offhand? Please, your support - your help - would mean a great deal to her at the present moment.

Also, if you'd like to lend your efforts to helping us get the Pit of Voles to take down this theft... Well, that would be appreciated as well. It's under the Bleach fanfic subgenre, under the M-rated tags of K. Urahara and Ichigo K.

Mods, if this kind of post is not permitted on the comm, I sincerely apologize. In my defense, all I can say is, again, I regard katami_san's story as one of the fundamental EPIC fics of this pairing. This theft is, no irony intended, criminal. Additionally, I have asked katami_san's permission to post this entry to the comm, and received it.

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