
Jun 30, 2011 22:00

The last three days at work have been utterly exhausting.  The sports department had an archery class scheduled, and the instructor canceled on them at the last minute.  And since I'm the only Eagle Scout around, I'm the only one that knows enough to cover it.  So since Tuesday, I've had 11 hour days, filling in three hours for the class after my regular eight hour guard shift.  There are two classes, one for 10 and under, the other 10 to 14.  The older class is doing very well, but I absolutely hate teaching the younger class.  It's not that the kids are necessarily bad, but the youngest ones do not have any attention span.   And that is a major safety hazard when you're shooting.  Not to mention having them wander around when they're not in line to shoot, some of them trying to walk up to the front and getting in the way of the archers in line.  It's not that I blame them for it, they're just kids after all, but whoever thought it was a good idea to have kids under 8 in this class was a moron.  To make it worse, some of them don't even have the coordination to hold the bow, let alone the strength to pull it back.

The good news from all this, however, is that I'm getting crazy overtime for all of it, since I'm doing the class on top of my 40 hours of guarding.  I should be making about an extra $120 when it's all said and done.  I'm going to be spending most of that on the order of chainmail rings that I'll need to stock up before Furfest in November.  I'm planning to make lots of rainbow stuff, since that sells really well there.  Last year I made over $300 in two days, so I'm hoping to at least match that.  Basically I'm working over time to make money, which I'm going to spend on something to spend more time on, to try and make even more money.  It's a vicious cycle, but hopefully it'll pay off in the end.


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