Feb 11, 2011 20:43
My wisdom tooth is out, and thankfully it's not causing me too many problems. I took some ibuprofen earlier just to take the edge off the soreness, but I'm not really in any pain. The area around it is a little tender, and I can't chew very much, so I'm stuck with very soft foods for a while, likely at least the rest of the weekend. It does kind of suck, since I don't really have much like that that's very filling. Soup for two meals in a row just doesn't quite cut it. I'm thinking about running out briefly in a short bit to go pick some things up, at least some snack foods to hold me over for a bit.
I am glad that my bleeding ended pretty quickly, though I expected that, since I clot very quickly. Hopefully everything will maintain its current level the rest of the weekend and heal up quickly. Right now I'm just feeling a bit tired. The only thing that should be left is my appointment on the 23rd to get my sutures taken out. They said I will most likely have problems with my other wisdom teeth eventually, and that I should go see an oral surgeon and get those removed. I'm gonna try to put that off for a while though, mostly to recover funds and to not miss more work for a while. Not that I particularly like going to work, but missing it for dental work isn't preferable.
Oh, and I did get to bring my tooth home. I'm probably gonna put a picture of it up on my plurk page sometime later tonight.