I dunno

Nov 03, 2009 20:37

Well, since I've finally remembered that I made this page, I guess I might as well post in it.

The chemtrol unit at work broke yesterday.  if you can't figure it out from the name, it's the computer that monitors and adjusts the chemical levels in the pool.  And today we ran out of testing chemicals for the chlorine.  So now I've got to control the chemicals manually without knowing what level it's at.  I told my boss to have someone run out and get the generic test strips today; they're not as accurate as the fluid tests, but it would give me something.  Of course that went in one ear and out the other.  I had damn well better get one hell of a raise this year.

My birthday is coming up next Monday.  I'm going to be 23.  I may still have a crappy job for my age, but I am living on my own and getting by just fine, so I'm proud of that. I'm also looking into setting up some sort of retirement plan with some of the money saved from the settlement over my accident.  Overall I have to say I'm not doing bad for my age.

My back has been hurting today, and when I woke up I found our milk had turned slushy, and when I got home I found my roommate had eaten all the french fries when I had been planning on making hot dogs, but other than that it's been a tolerable day.  I think a good night's sleep is in order.
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