Just saw a thread asking for life lessons you've learned and wish to pass on. It died before I could make my post, so I'm gonna toss my info up here. Feel free to share and contribute
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Many of these ring quite true. Here's a few I would amend:
3. When your gut and your head are in conflict, go with your head. Too many fucking problems out there are caused by people who ignore reason for the sake of what their gut tells them.
5. You will be waiting on others the rest of your life... 5b. Better yet, bring along an audiobook. Enjoy a good story while everyone just thinks you're playing your tunes. This goes for line-ups as well as when you're just waiting for someone else.
13. The more you learn about something, the less time you have to learn about everything else. The problem is not elevation, it's excessive specialization.
And some new ones for you:
16. When your assertion is challenged, do not take it as a personal assault that must be rebutted at all costs. Consider the possibility you might be wrong. Five minutes of research may keep you from looking like a fool, and worse an arrogant fool.
17. We always cling to what we have, and tend to value it more than what we might have to reach for. Never forget the hidden cost of what you could have had instead.
18. It's easier to ask forgiveness than to seek permission.
19. It's easier to demonstrate than to persuade.
20. All traffic signs can be read as 'except for me'. 80 km/h, 'except for me'. Yield, 'except for me'. Slow for construction, 'except for me'. Don't walk, 'except for me'. When you realize how many people follow this rule, you realize why accidents happen.
21. Add 'in bed' to any fortune cookie. It's about as accurate as any other fortune cookie, but much more amusing.
3. When your gut and your head are in conflict, go with your head. Too many fucking problems out there are caused by people who ignore reason for the sake of what their gut tells them.
5. You will be waiting on others the rest of your life...
5b. Better yet, bring along an audiobook. Enjoy a good story while everyone just thinks you're playing your tunes. This goes for line-ups as well as when you're just waiting for someone else.
13. The more you learn about something, the less time you have to learn about everything else. The problem is not elevation, it's excessive specialization.
And some new ones for you:
16. When your assertion is challenged, do not take it as a personal assault that must be rebutted at all costs. Consider the possibility you might be wrong. Five minutes of research may keep you from looking like a fool, and worse an arrogant fool.
17. We always cling to what we have, and tend to value it more than what we might have to reach for. Never forget the hidden cost of what you could have had instead.
18. It's easier to ask forgiveness than to seek permission.
19. It's easier to demonstrate than to persuade.
20. All traffic signs can be read as 'except for me'. 80 km/h, 'except for me'. Yield, 'except for me'. Slow for construction, 'except for me'. Don't walk, 'except for me'. When you realize how many people follow this rule, you realize why accidents happen.
21. Add 'in bed' to any fortune cookie. It's about as accurate as any other fortune cookie, but much more amusing.
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