Flashbake and Hermes Quinn

Mar 14, 2011 15:50

I can't remember if I've posted this before but I find the concept to be cool. Flashbake is versioning control for writers. It will take a snapshot of the files you set it to, and also pull in weather, and music you're listening to at the time to give a little bit of context of what was happening at the time when you were writing.

Very neat.

Linux and Mac OSX only at the moment.

BoingBoing article on flashbake
Project webpage

I have to get working in Linux more again. I got all excited about Windows 7 because the Windows version I've been stuck with for the past... way too many years, was XP. I think it's time to get back into Linux now though. That being said, I watch DVDs in Linux at the moment, because I'm not sure about my issue with watching commercial DVDs in Windows 7 at the moment. One thing I'm wondering about is the PATA dvd drive since it does have analog audio out. I thought I remembered hearing that they disabled the built in DVD playback unless the chain is completely digital.

I found this old story I worked on a few years ago in Ottawa, Hermes Quinn: Disembodied Dimensional Hostage. Half comedy, half action/seriousness, half pink wispy feet smoke. I found this and wondered why I didn't keep going with it, and then remembered bit and pieces of the story, but I couldn't remember the music I had it set to in my head. I tend to do that. Which brings me back to flashbake...

Edit: I remember the song for the one part. Go figure it was The Mars Volta's Day Of The Baphomets. The Chase. [happy with self]
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