11/25/2010 - Entry #2

Nov 25, 2010 20:42

I started making pies (1 cherry, 1 apple, and 2 pumpkin) at .. heck, 1:00 to 1:30-ish maybe? (PM, of course xD)
EIGHT HOURS OF ROLLING STRIPS FOR LATTICEWORK ON THE CHERRY PIE, ROLLING OUT A TOP FOR THE APPLE, CUTTING THE APPLES, ETC, ETC. And now the pumpkin pies are getting ready to be put in the oven aaaat... about 8:30 - 9:00 PM. W00t.

I could not have done it without my mother 8'D I will have photos tomorrow, hopefully. It's too dark to take any good ones right now, so I'll wait until daylight.
We're not actually having Thanksgiving today, of course. We're going to my grandmother's house tomorrow to celebrate, instead :D

.. the pies look really yummy >3

random, life, baking/cooking

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