THE weekend

Apr 17, 2005 17:57

ok so this weekend, my mom made me stay home friday...sucked!
but b4 i went home, i went 2 liz's after play practice, and we went did shit, and talked 2 daniel and hung out at his casa. liz's dog is so motherfucking cute!
ok then i went home, and did nothing!
then saturday i went 2 sherese's and we swam in her pool, that was so fucking refreshing! then we got dressed and ready 2 go 2 the galleria, and john tells me the day b4 that he can't  go! and gabe and taylor cancel, so fucking annoying when they do that! but its ok, cuz we still had fun! and fuck lil romeo was there and he said "hey wassup" 2 me, and THEN i asked him if we could get a pic with him and we did and he HAD HIS ARM AROUND ME, and almost touched my ass, ha!!!!!! no shit though!
so liz sherese matt pragun and i went 2 see amityville horror, fucking scary!! that shit was scarier than the exorcist. ok then we walked around and we met these guys, and we talked 2 them all night. oliver and i r friends! then i went back 2 liz's, etc.

then sunday sherese came over and we went 2 the street fair with the guys we met the day b4, tiring but fun!

oh ya, john and i broke up     
p.s. i'm making a myspace, cuz sherese is making me! so if u have one, lay it on me!
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