Jun 20, 2006 21:34
yeah so because its summer i think im going to try to start this up again, because i like writing, and i hate myspace with a burning passion. that site is so dumb--i hate logging in, and ive made it a game for myself to let everythign build up and see how long i can make it without logging in. seriously...if it wasnt the only way i talk to some of the people from hidden valley, i would delete my account in a heartbeat.
if yall didnt know..hidden valley closed down on february 12th, and with it went the life that i had just begun to get used to and love. the people that treated me like a person - and not just any person but the person that i wanted to be. i felt happier and healthier working there than i ever did anywhere else, and i am lucky to still be in contact with a lot of those people :)
now i work at canyon ranch and i really like it there too! its pretty good money and the benefits i get for working there are amazing, so i'm prety happy with it overall...i have been taking full advantage of the gym! tomorrow im actaully trying a yoga class for fun too so that i can get points for it (points go to a total where i can get a massage or other stuff for free :) ) so i like it! my friend morgen from HVI works there too even though i dont see her much its still nice to be working with her again cuz i love her and miss her!
everyone is in europe right now and they get backkkkk omg wow tomorrow! thats pretty exciting but i think it will be weird to see everyone again since its been like a month or so.. who knows how much people have changed..
i had a day off today and i had fun just being a lazy ass until i went to the gym.. i watched independence day haha...and i also watched a lot like love and let me say i LOVE that movie! parts of it are a little too chick flicky but i like the general idea of the movie because i feel like i can relate to parts of it..
this summer is my last in high school and its so weird that the thought of that used to make me really depressed (all you have to do is read way the hell back in my journal lol) and i even cried over it a few times, about having to leave everything and start anew. but i've changed so much over the course of the last year, and once again i think my job helped with that. i feel like im more mature than i used to be when thinking about stuff and how i handle things. now i can't wait to just be done with high school and move out of my house and start the life that i have created as a vision inside my head. and its a realistic one too. i know now exactly where i want to go and the person i want to be, and i have no doubt that i will get there. i see my life ahead of me and it is a normal one. i dont want to be rich and i dont awnt to be poor. i want to be happily married, with 3 kids and 2 dogs. i want to live in a cozy little neighborhood and talk to my best friend at least once a week if she lives far, and more than that if shes close. i want to take vacations with my family - something i have never been able to do. i want to be the mom that cooks for all the kids on the street and that everyone can trust. i want to be a nurse working in the delivery room, surgery or emergency room. i want to all along learn things the hard way.
i want to live my life, and i want to try as much as i can in the time i'm alive. i dont ever want to worry that something bad will happen to me because i know that it wont. and even if it did, then at least it wouldnt to the next 10000 people. i'm not worried about anything! and im going to start this summer. i want to start having fun and making a past for myself that i can look back on and just have things to remember about it.
love fuels it all. i believe in everything and i believe in nothing: because thats what it is.
i don't care what anyone thinks and i never have...so go ahead and judge away or scoff at this because it doesnt sound realistic coming from a 17 year old girl. you can because i know. and i know more than you do :)
this entry was weird. it was like a reintroduction to The Bree. so expect more entries soon, and take care of yourselves.
goodnight loves *breezy