now that many of you have graduated...i'm gonna let you in on a big little secret

Jun 25, 2007 17:27

you've been lied to for...oh i don't know - 6/7 years? whenever it was the scantrons came out

what do i mean?

#2 pencil only?

truth is that if you use a pen, the scantron will work just the same - the machine reads marks. it doesnt differentiate between pencil or pen. it can't. maybe a yellow gel pen (ya know - hte ones that were cool in like late elementary school) might not work cuz it might not be dark and heavy enough but a black/blue ballpoint pen certainly does work.

they mostly ask you to use pencil to save you from the hassle of mistakes cuz pencils have erasers.

now that you know the truth - and some of you may have figured it long ago - please promise me one thing

don't go killing yourself just cuz your entire high school life was a lie

speaking of death - a dead guy in a ferrari got my picture in 3 separate papers. thats cool i guess. not really tho?

anyways - my summer has been sucking donkey balls and then spitting the juice back in my face

my birthdays tomorrow. hooray (that was a semi-sarcastic/unexcited hooray)

i wanna go to the beach. but i doubt i will cuz no one else can/wants to

everyone else has work....they all have jobs.

fuck me
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