Nov 09, 2005 22:54
1} Last thing you burned while attempting to cook? i dont burn things;-)
2} Describe yourself in three words: funny, amazing, bright
3} How long does it take you to get ready for your day? it sometimes takes me awhile to wake up. not including that, it depends on if im eating breakfast &/or making my hair. ie - to go to the firehouse in the middle of the night or on sunday mornings, i can be out in minutes. to school, after waking up, i need about 30-40 minutes? (plus time to wake up)
4} Favorite place to blow $50? target, kohls, or best buy? how bout spencers gifts?
5} How many people have you thought were "the one"? define "the one"
6} What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex? girls who are overly nice or overly bitches. or too slutty. or extremely dumb. or acts/plays dumb. and penises
7} What kind of car do you drive? "teal" 2001(?) hyundai elantra
8} What's in your CD player right now? nothing. not listenin to one
9} What celebrity would you have coffee with? umm, i dont drink coffee
10} What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with? any of them. id rather have caramels with em (GWH reference).
11} What kind of toothpaste do you use? crest whitening expressions/minty
12} What time do you go to bed? depending on workload & how tired i am, usually between 11pm & midnight. tho ive been known to pass out earlier or stay up till 2 (even if theres no reason at all to)
13} Last movie you saw? saw part of weatherman. it sucks. last whole movie i watched was robin hood: men in tights. excellent film
14} Last TV show you watched? yes, dear?
15} Who is your best friend? i have a few but i guess ill go with matt if i must pick one
16} Who in your family do you best get along with? any of them as long as its one at a time. add 2 or all 3 and its WW III
17} Who do you have a crush on? a girl named sarah
18} What time is it right now? 1103 pm
19} Are you planning a vacation/travel? parents are planning it.
20} When/Where was the last time you traveled? college trip around the mid-atlantic in april
21} How many times have you been in love? honestly, im gonna say once
22} How old will you be in 10 years? 27
23} Where do you see yourself in 10 years? good job dealing with chemistry? engaged?
24} Sinful snacking weakness? near-most anything chocolate. lately, ice cream & "movie" candy have been the biggest killers
25} Rollercoasters? love them
26} Ever run out of gas? in my car? no
27} Ever been on a train? no...i live in a box...yes...
28} Ever been on a blind date? no.
29} Ever been to Europe? does england count?
30} What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? what every man would do if he had boobs and a hole instead of a stick...
might try some lesbo shit;-)
31} Would you tell anyone it was really you? hell no.
32} Ever been arrested? nope
33} Have a crush on anyone you work with? sorta. small and i didnt plan on acting upon it. work + leisure = seperate
34} What is something you believe in? G-d
35} What is something you fear? fear itself?
36} Big or small? could you be any more vague?
37} What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced? when i was...emotionally (not mentally!)...disturbed? (probably a bad word to use) in middle school
38} What is your favorite television show? theres a few.
39} Ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture? dont have photoshop on this comp or else id try. tho im already quite the looker
40} Tell us something about your childhood: it was years ago
41} What would it cost for you to flash the person next to you? there is no one next to me. otherwise, itd depend on who. id flash a girl to get flashed back...or else...$10?
42} Best time to catch you in a good mood? when im out with friends or sarah...or right after
43} If you could be anything for one day, what would it be? invisible
44} Most prized possession? lauren said: baby blanket which is cute and sorta true for me. ive got a lot of tangible nostaliga/memories on my shelves that are dear to me. and my cats?
45} Would you ever sell it/how much? cant sell memories.
46} What is ONE of your pet peeves? lauren said: when people are unnecessarily mean and snappy
...again, true for me too. but moreover, i cannot stand when ppl behave as if im childish, irresponsible, and stupid. dont freakin doubt me!
47} Favorite kind of ice cream? anything thats like quadruple chocolate!
48} Coolest thing that happened today? volunteering @ Otsego? or finding out kilkelly (as well as blayne) isnt gonna be in school tomorrow and that cascio, upon hearing my immediate request, said i didnt have to come to class tomorrow
49} Name someone with the same birthday as you? derek jeter. eww
50} Where was your first kiss? i dont remember.
51} Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? no, not seriously at all
52} Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? yes - sisters. otherwise, i think only "play hitting." if i did otherwise, i didnt mean it &/or am sorry
53} Have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? chorus
54} Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
following laurens lead..."i'm going to interpret "notice" as a conclusion rather than a shallow observation. obviously you see physical characteristics before anything else. i know this question is sort of asking what you look for in people, what pops out at you. to me..."
...sense of humor/ability to laugh. although appearance is obviously one of the first things ppl notice
56} What do you usually order from starbucks? dont ever go there
57} What is your biggest mistake? not expressing myself (opinions, feelings, etc) when i could/should have...
58} Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? maybe when i was younger and half didnt realize it?
59} Say something totally random about you: my heart is a hopeless romantic. my brain is a very logical realist, and my dick is the biggest pervert in the world. its a tough match b/w them all to lead me
60} Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? mhm
61} Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? yeah. disney movies rock!
62} Did you have braces? yes
63} Are you comfortable with your height? yeah tho i wouldnt mind being taller
64} What is the most romantic thing about someone of the opposite/same sex? about someone? depends on who they are i guess. in general, being able to smell (and missing) their scent even when theyre far away.
65} When do you know it's love? when the above happens, when you cant help but give in to seeing them regardless of other circumstances, just holding them not wanting to be anywhere else in the world or in time.
66} Do you speak any other languages? not really. hablo espanol un pequit
67} Have you ever been to a tanning salon? no
68} What magazines do you read? firefighter magazines cuz im a lsoer, mad, and sometimes SI
69} Have you ever ridden in a limo? yes
70} Has anyone you were really close with passed away? wasnt really that close to my grandparents & uncle. cuz they died when i was young
71} Do you watch mtv? like never
72} What's something that really annoys you? my parents/their attitudes
73} What's something you really like? sarah/my friends/my cats
74} Do you like Michael Jackson? i have no qualms...yes
75} Can you dance? no
76} What's the latest you have ever stayed up? dawnish
77} Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? sorta once
78} Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? nope, but ive been on the other side of the stretcher
*just occurred to me that i did this on myspace just a few days ago*
79} Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? usually. at least i read them question by question as im fillin in my answers.
this was gay.
i raelly need to study for physics. im not worried about calc