&iloveyou dontforgetme.

Mar 01, 2005 20:33


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My weekend was ___fun!
Friday i spent the night at Lauren's &&we bonded,
and Saturday, I had Saturday School:( and then
Went to the mall with Rachel.
&& then some stupid drama happened and i had 2 come home and then my mom let me leave again and i went 2 a parrrrrrty___;)
and then sunday i did nothing til 6 when i was passed out cold and cochran came 2 my house and made me leave with her____but it was fun.

I have something 2 say,

Taylor Dunford
is one of my best freinds ever,
Best friends dont just form over night, they take
time, energy , laughter , TEARS, fights, make-ups, and she is my best freind.
yes she is. (matt she really is)
and i love her so much and she is MOST DEFINATLEY leaving and her last day at Clarkston High School is Thursday! tear fucking tear. I'm literally going 2 hate school more than i ALREADY DO! she makes my day so much funner and makes me laugh so much more. I love how we think alike in every way and we always laugh together. Some ppl might think we r bitches 2gether, but were not. lol. i love u taylor and im so fucking sad ur going away. u make my day, ur pretty little face always smiling. dont let ne1 make u feel like ur not beautiful or great in any way, cuz u r. and whoever says ur not is jealous of u.
i've been thinking alot lately and I LOVE MY FREINDS:)
it sucks one of the best ones is LEAVING ME! just plz dont forget me taylor. and we have2 still hang out. we'll be camera whores 2morrow. i love you.we still have 2 chill when u leave, u mean the world2 me and i dont wanna loose you! Good Luck with ******* i know you like him. & i personally wanna meet him very bad, so this weekend me and u for sure.
see you 2morrow!
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