Drop Down and Getchya Eagle on gurl.

Oct 04, 2004 23:52

Well then! Lol. My weekend was awesome.

Friday the lovely Shelly Posey came home with me, and we DIDN'T wash the car :( But we DID manage to eat as much food as we could in an hour and a half! Lol. ...Livin in a world of ghetto life...everyone seems SO uptight! Lol. You LOVE EnVouge! We looked at Meisler yearbooks, she made me ramen noodles microwave style! And did the Austin Powers run to the bathroom for me! And I loved every minute of it. Then we went and forcefully picked up Elisabeth from her house. Lol. And I had to pee real bad. And Shelly explained her parents in one noise.
Dad: Bleehhhhh.
Mom: Blaaawwwr! Blawwr Blawwr Blawwr!
Lol. I love it. Then we went to CiCi's and played with the Jesus missionary. Lol and she made us balloons! Then we whatched them skate like faggots at 'the slab' lol and me and shelly and liz bought ice cream. And waited in a snoball line for an hour to get spoons. And then no one ate it. so i dug my hand through the melted ice cream for the peach chunks while they just sat ther and laughed at me. Then they wrote obsenities on my pants. And we went to Esplanade. And Justin told me I looked like a lesbian. ...Man if I had a nickel for everytime I heard that... This is the part where I say something witty like... I'd have 5 cents...but no really, i'd be fucking rich.
Anyway, Liz got us stopped by the mall cop that we had a 30 minute conversation about election day at his highschool, his prom, uhm...religions. Man. Then we went and played and then went home. It was quite enjoyable.

The the NEXT day, Penny Elyse came over! And I washed the car, and then we did some Grade A bonding. Lol i don't even know what i'm talking about. Im real tired. The next recallection I have is whatching Saturday Night Live wich was wonderouss! Lol. I'D GO TO HIS HOUSE, FILL HIS BASEMENT WITH WATER, IT FREEZES....and i forgot the rest... lol ....
-You know what i'd do?!
-You'd go to his house...
-No, no, no I already did that! See, they would KNOW it was me! ...I'd go to his house, I'd steal everything EXCEPT his camra, so he goes to get it developed and I JUMP OUT AND HIT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH A BASEBALL BAT!
lolol oh man.
Can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur,
Shorty can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur, YEAH
Can we leave hur.
*Holds hands over ears*
lolol.. It's not even a cool yeah, like little john.. OH YEAH!
Rick: It's uh....outside...and uh....bigger, and better than yours.
*Creepy trying to whisper voice* THANK YOU RICK!
Elton John: I HATE TIWAN! ...Well tina, and Not Jimmy. lolol.
lolol then we went to sleeep. THEN when we woke up we made pizza's and ramen noodles, and we went to the french quarter, and it was a day. lol.

My weekend was awesome. But the next one will be awesomer. Penny, Desperate HouseWives, and The Forgotten, the greatness of it all.

Best Part of Today:
Justin Shnieder: So my best friend's mom... Yeah she's a lesbian...
*awkward silence*
Justin: Actually... I just made that up guys.
Mason: That'd be pretty awesome though!

Lol Biology is the greatest.
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