Friday night started it off...went to Boston Pizza...and got treated to dinner/got happy birthday sung to me...which i HATE/i get embarrassed but the cake WAS pretty good so no complaints there. OH and the waiter commented on my T&S shirt! "Nice shirt, they freakin rock!"...i gave him an extra 25 cents for his tip just for that. After that we went to Sam's kick ass trailer (in her backyard) and played. lol SOOO FUN...can't wait to use that thang outside of her house ahah. Pics of Friday!!!!!...
Janelle #1, Johnsy, and Sam
Me, Stef, Deanna
Deanna/Janelle #2
SATURDAY: AKA getting tanked.
allllright so saturday was the real partay...sooooooo fuckin funny...everyone was soooo gone lol. It was me and my Bff's pretty much, and they got me a T&S cake:
I must was pretty sexy.
I got such nice presents...autographed T&S copy of UFLO, T&S cake, T&S crew photo was sooo nice/good memories. Pics of Sat:
Janelle trying to be Sara Quin
Look at those abs ladies.....
Le Tigre???
Green Crew(we didn't plan it) minus Stef cuz we didn't tell her (haha)
Then came the Brooklin Spring Fair...WOWZAS what a waste of a matter of 2 nights i spent $50 and went on 7 rides...$50 for 7 rides!!!!! ughhh makes me so mad. At least it was a bit fun........