a series of crazy events

May 01, 2006 21:40

Today was the last day of classes (so that meant last week was actually the last for all but 1 of my classes) i went to my last images of women and men class, which was a good one! anyway we watched 2 episodes of sex in the city, which i have only watched parts of before. there was an episode when sarah jessica parkers character, i believe it is carrie, goes to an after baby baby shower (the couple had already had the baby) and they have to remove their shoes when they come in cause they were like "it brings in dirt and the twins will eat it" so when carrie and her gay friend go to leave her shoes were stolen. and basically was trying to get her friend to pay for the replacements the whole episode. she met up with her 3 other friends the next day and tells them about it. the slutty friend hates kids at nice resturants, since it isnt a good place for them! take them to friendlys or something...and the red-head friend was saying how she only likes her own kid (so true) and the anal retentive friend is like "children are beautiful" lol but they agree that carrie should be given money for her shoes...carrie goes on saying how since the friend got married she has spent some crazy amount of money on her that i dont remember in gifts for marriage and babies etc...and all single women get no parties (birthdays dont count because everyone has those) so to get her shoes back she calls the friend and is like "im getting married to myself. im registered at :insert shoe designer:" and the friend goes to the store to buy shoes and the pair that was stolen was the only one she registered, therefore the friend had to get them (i found it hilarious) it was also hilarious because at the shoe store the employee told the woman to watch her children (who were running around like annoying chickens) because they might touch the shoes... i loved it! i was like take that dumb people with stupid kids who think they can control the world! wahahaha! kids that misbehave shouldnt be allowed in nice places, even if they are shoe stores! discipline your little brats people! lol anyway later tonight i was at barnes and noble reading magazines and this couple came in with their daughter, who was cute...had curly little hair etc...and she was moving around the garbage can but it made scraping noise on the floor so the dad was telling her to stop because people were reading and it was annoying! i was like "YOU ROCK!" i dont think i've ever heard that before...and he was like a young guy..probably 20 something thats when they tend to be immature...so it was great. wanted to give him a big hug lol. more people should do this. crazy bastards. lol
anyway i went to petsmart before going to the bookstore and there were puppies everywhere! i wanted to hug them all! but this chubby middle aged man had a chubby weenier dog and i had smiled at it cause you know i love the weenie. so he like walked him towards me (which was kinda awkward) and the puppy like smelled my foot and my heart melted and i wanted to just grab the fat bastard and run! but instead i just said how i loved him. then i got on my phone to call andy and tell him. but he didnt answer. so i tried ali, unsure if she was in class or not (she was) and i told her of my love for the weenie.
WOO i'm home wednesday! but oh how i will miss my roomie :-X
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