louie louie...we gotta go

Mar 09, 2006 00:33

who got a B on their womens studies paper that they wrote late last night? ME dammnnn straight bitches :) glad i'm opinionated and hate men

1. What Time did you get up?
1:45pm probably

2. Diamonds or pearls?
diamond encrusted pearls

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
the hills have eyes...it was the tits

4. What is your favorite TV show?
family guy,the simpsons, or gilmore girls...

5. What did you have for breakfast?
didnt eat breakfast...now lunch...mini muffins

6. What is your middle name?

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
mexican or chinese

8. What foods do you dislike?
mushrooms various other veggies

9. Your favorite Potato chip?

10: What is your favorite CD at the moment?
dont know...

11. What kind of car do you drive?
toyota corolla

12. Favorite sandwich?

13. What characteristics do you despise?
annoying people...stupid people...high pitched girl voice...

14. Favorite item of clothing?

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
europe...to see if its as beautiful as it seems

16. What color is your bathroom?
pinkish dorm bathroom...

17. Favorite brand of clothing?
whatever i fines i keeps

18. Where would you want to retire to?
who says im gonna retire?

19. Favorite time of day?

20. Where were you born?

21. Favorite sport to watch?
foxy boxing.

22. Who do you least expect to send this back?
no one is sending this at all

23. Person you expect to send it back first?

24. What laundry detergent do you use?
arm and hammer...something else for dark clothes...

25. Coke or Pepsi?
p e p s i (sing to tune of YMCA suckas)

26. Are you a morning person or night owl?
ooo an owl...gimme

27. What size shoe do you wear?

28. Do you have pets?
poppy and her numerous babes...fish...and we're down to 4 birds :(

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
i just got a B on my paper i totally thought i bombed

30. What did you want to be when you were little?

31. Favorite Candy Bar?
reeses cups...3 musketeers...take 5...milky way...snickers...oh god twix!

32. What is your best childhood memory?
how could i have a BEST childhood memory..when i first was introduced to jake gylleenhaal and his beauty (p.s. there was just a jarhead trailor on tv)

33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life?
drycleaners...blockbuster...ass sitter

34. What color underwear are you wearing?
white with blue floral...meow

35. Nicknames:
jilly...jillybean...jill...J...sperm dumpster

36. Piercing?

37. Eye color?

38. Ever been to Africa?
nope...i'd only wanna go for the animals...fuckers wont let you play with them though

39. Ever been toilet papering?
i use it...

40. Love someone so much it made you cry?

41. Been in a car accident?
when i was a baby suckling at my mothers teet

42. Croutons or bacon bits?
both...croutons usuallly

43. Favorite day of the week?

44. Favorite restaurant?
taco bell :)

45. Favorite flower?
those in bloom

46. Favorite ice cream?
cookie dough, soft vanilla, soft black raspberry...drooolll

47. Disney or Warner Brothers?
Disney...i dont care how sexist or conservative they used to be...they gave me wee heart joy

48. Favorite fast food restaurant?
taco bell

49. What color is your bedroom carpet?
peach dorm room color...at home its just a pile of clothes and stuff

50. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

51. Before this email, from whom did you get your last one?
i just read the paper my teacher emailed me back...B i got a B

52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
target! hot topic shirts. thrift stores!

53. What do you most often do when you are bored?
watch tv...touch myself...

55. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?
they're mostly the same as past ones

56. Who did you have dinner with last?

57. What are you listening to right now?
my roomies gums flapping on the phone

59. What is your favorite color?
blue, purple, black, burgandy

60. Lake, Ocean or river?
all of the above...conserve our natural resources!

61. How many tattoos do you have?
sadly none :(

62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
microscopic germs...big bang...evolution

63. How many people are you sending this Email to?
no one...im posting it

64. Who sent this to you and what is something you didn't know about him/her?

65. Time you finished this email?
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