Feb 06, 2006 17:13
my bf sucks all that there is to suck...so we were about to buy this sweet ass jeep grand cherokee but he decided today after putting a deposit down for it that it sucks and he doesnt want to get it....i mean there are good reasons for not getting it but its just stupid he lets too many people get to him...they talk too much shit to him so it makes him change his mind. I dont know im just a lil upset. I was about to get the nicest car i have ever owned. OOhhhh well shit happens. But i guess he is staying home the rest of the week from work but we wont know for sure till those days come...so we are gonna keep looking for a nice four door car or something for prety cheap with not too many miles on it.
I just wanted to rant a lil bit over some stupid shit...lol so what has been up lately?? well not much as you can tell its been a long ass time since i even updated in here but i do want to let everyone know that i do read like every day so dont think i dont care....or you know what i dont care if you dont think i care (bitch) idk just a lil something
so to update a lil about my life: i suck i am unemployed!!! so i sit at home all day just waiting for something good to come on tv or someone to say hey lets go do something!!! but everyone i know has a life or doesnt want to come and tote me and dylan around its okay im at peace when im at home. Umm what else???....ooohhh yeah so i failed the parallel parking part of my road test BITCHES!!!! they were so fucking strict at that place i hate it!! like i didnt even get to drive and they failed me, im a fucking excellent driver!!!! anyone with any tips on parallel parking HELP ME!! lol i felt so fucking stupid fo rizzle bizzle!!
welli think thats about it so i will go now so everyone can laugh at me and tell me how fucking stupid i am....well leave me your fucking comments then bitches!!! JK BYES!!