Oct 19, 2003 12:17
well i think im done updating for awhile since no one comments. o well. anyway, so far this weekend was alright the only thing that actually made it better was last night. friday night blew. it was cold and rainy and i was high with nothing to do. on top of that, me, chris, paul and brian all had to squeeze into brians truck to drive around and i somehow managed to fall asleep in that lol. and then at 11*30 brian dropped us all off at wawa and paul had to go home so he left and me and chris went to camilletti's and bryan said to come in so we chilled on the couch and watched the matrix with jason and chris but i fell asleep and then at 12*30 chris waslked me home. then saturday...shelly came and picked me up at like 2*30-3 and we chilled like all day we went to mcdonalds for lunch it was god i got a happy meal and a dolly! i was so excited she stays in my puse with me :) haha. i cut her hair too. anyway...me and shelly drove around all day and then we went to her sisters around 5*30 and we smoked and we left there at like 7*30ish and went to give something to brandon and then shelly dropped me off at kims and we went to the hayride and met up with chris and paul. and i was so scared. i didnt wanna go. i did not move off of kims lap lol. and then somehow i ended up in chris's lap. and then me and kim left and the boys wakled home like retards. and then around 11*30 chris came to kims and we chilled on the frotn steps and bryan and jason stopped by and then bry left and we were gonna go in the basement and then jason left. so we chilled in the basement and that was boring cause everyone was bein quiet and then kim started bitchin and i didnt feel like sleepin over anymore so i left with chris and went to his house. and then i came home around 4 and went to sleep at liek 5*5*30 and now i have to go to my game. toodles. lotta hearts<333
[ laying next to you is like laying in heaven ]