Feb 08, 2005 20:40
Why do girls fall into the false hope of a guy fulfilling all of their needs and desires?
Why are we incredibly gullible and quickly fall into our
own desires?
The scariest thing is...when we are doing it- we NEVER realize
it....it is only after many tears are shed and pictures torn, do we
understand our own sin in trusting in someone and not our constant, our God.
I read the wisest thing a godly woman could ever say a couple of days
ago and it is so glorifying to God that I feel the need to copy and
paste this Xanga entry onto my entry by Miss Laura Lew:
"I have an answer to a tough
question you asked me about a year ago... You asked me something like
"How can a woman love the Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind, and
still 'give her whole heart' to her husband?"
The answer lies in the Bible when
it says to 'make/keep the Lord your refuge and you strong tower' ... a
godly woman can't expect her husband to meet all her deepest needs and
desires...he will be after all as flawed an individual as she
is--human. When we feel our heart is breaking or have a 'need'
that we can't exactly describe...we shouldn't 'rip into' our husbands
because they're not fullfilling that need...but RUN to the Lord and
pour our heart out in prayer...and stay there until either our attitude
or the situation changes. This kind of an belief system will endear a
wife to her husbands heart and he will appreciate the fact that she
isn't unreasonable.
"In closing..." understanding this
kind of love for ones husband and the role that he can realistically
take keeps the Love for the Lord in proper perspective too. We should
always only look to the Lord to fulfill certain parts of our
hopes/desires...so many of us wives have made the mistake of trying to
expect the husband do what only the Lord is able to do. It
becomes easier to give your whole heart to your husband if you
interpret (when referring to your love for the Lord) the heart as being
your Spirit...that part of our 'heart' that came alive the day HE
touched us in our sinfulness and called us to HIM...basically, "Don't
expect your mate to understand you totally, or to even to like
everything about you...and don't take differences 'personally'...be
slow to anger and quick to forgive...All of these beliefs and attitudes
are the beginning of learning to have Agape love for your mate.
What can I can...the question about 'sharing' our heart between the
Lord and your future husband...is certainly a mystery...but it is
related to the FIRST thing that God ever said was "VERY good" in all of
his creation...the mystery of a convenant between one man and one
woman. [Some women become so wrapped up in their husbands and then flip
out on them when they act like the flawed humans that they really are.
They get this way because somewhere along the romance road, they forgot
about the Lord or quit running to Him in prayer...something He doesn't
want us to stop, until Heaven.]"
I pray that God will give me the wisdom and guidance to trust in Him and not in things of the world, including people.
You are constant, unchangable, You make the stars in the sky and You know them by name...You are amazing God....