But now I don’t care I could go anywhere with you

Mar 31, 2005 21:34

  • Tuesday-- Sleepover at emily's with the O C REW. [sami, emily, katya, and i] We went to Oberwise and then to Walgreens. I bought nail polish and chalk and Sam bought chalk too. Then we went back to em's and drew on the driveway at 10, because we're cool like that. After we got bored we came in and watched EUROTRIP for about the 1650575 time. hah but i still love it, i guess. Then  we went to sleep around 1ish.

  • Wednesday-- Woke up around 10. Then we went outside and played volleyball and layed out and stuff because it was just such a nice day. Then i went home around 1 and hung out with my dad.

  • Thursday-- Once again the O C REW! I just can not get enough of them. The girls and I went to the outlet mall and shopped and shopped and shopped. I bought i skirt and i like it. Then i came home around 6 and spent time with the family.

  • TODAY!-- Went over to leelee's house. Fist we hung out at leah's house and watched bright eyes. nice stuff. Then we went out to. Fist we went to the post office to drop off some things leah need to drop off. Then we went to Walgreens. We bought Dayquil and Laxatives for an April fools we were going to do.haha. Then we walked back to leah's house and Sarah had came home so we visited her for awhile and told her about our plan. So went back to leah's and invited pat over who came with Ravpav and David. So leah, sam sam, and I made this orange juice stuff mixed in with laxative and Dayquil and gave it to them. David and Rav Pav drank a whole cup! hahahahah. Which was pretty funny. We told them after a while what was in it. Yeah they hated us for about 10 minutes. So i hope they have a good night tonight. lol. Sorry but that was by far the best April Fools. hah.

Only 2 more days left. Yeah, that sucks.

How's your spring break?!?!?!?!?!??!

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