I finally did it. & it's HUGE! cause i can't choose! im not good at choosing XD & late, but it wouldn't be an epic picspam if i was in time :) Sorry for the crappy colorings btw >_< I really hate them but i had to do something right?! & im not the queen of the frame neither, obviously XD
Enjoy :D♥
HP: am i the only one who loved it? lol
ITLOW: Meg Ryan, Adam Brody & Kristen Stewart?! How could I miss it :P
ITW: i saw it the day i learned Kristen was gonna be Bella :); Juno: the only movie i can quote from the begining to the end XD
Speak: as a
certain someone said "KStew > you"; The Covenant: OH MY! Steven is HOT & Taylor... DUH!
SOTP 2: Not AT ALL like the books (wich i LOVED) but i really liked it. Alexis & Amber are loveable <3 & it was so good to see them all again :)
Twilight: Dudes, no comments :) Kristen & Robert are just AMAZING; Undiscovered: because of Steven & because his voice when he sings... DUH i melted :)
Wall-E: i HAVE TO find the part when he meets Eve. Gosh, i loved when he said "WaAaAaAll-E" <3
My girl crush, definitely. She's an amazing actress, she's gorgeous, i just love her :D
Do i really gotta say something? He handsome & he's a fucking good actor. Kstew&Rpattz = OTP! :D *wink to
goldentigerlily &
loupiotte *
isn't she cute? I love her smile. Blair is my favorite character of GG. & i can't wait to hear her album.
I know, i know. He played in sucky movies. Like Shy High, with Oregano, BUT WHATEVEER! Cause he's super-dupper hot. & he's my Jacob Black forever! Plus i did that
stupid thingy & he's my future husband & we'll have a kid or something like that -whatever XD
She was impressive in Thirteen & i loved her in Across the Universe.
Cause i saw Juno 7th times because of her cute face.
I've started to listen to Paramore lately & i love her voice. & she's so pretty.
one of the best french actor. & i saw him, for real *squeeeee*
My band of the year. THEY ROCK :D I just have to listen to at least one of their song everyday. Im a parawhore!!!! *bounces around*
Chuck. Awesome :D. Zachary Levi is just so funny <3
90210. Not bad. I love Silver/Dixon & Navid/Adrianna, that's, probably why i still watch XD
Friday Night Lights. Who said magnificent?! I spend my summer watching the 1st two seasons until 6am, yelling "TOUCHDOWN". My best summer evaaar XD
Gossip Girl. Greatly awesome. Chuck & Blair FTW :D Im missing Dan/Serena though =/
How I Met You Mother. I'm gonna sound SO original but it's just LEGEN- wait for it... -DARY! My hard drive is dead so i can't watch the last two fucking episodes so NO SPOILERS PLEASE! But just: BARNEY & ROBYN? Like, REALLY :O
Moonlight. Too bad they stopped. It was a great tv-shows. Vampires, again ;) & Jason Dorhing, DUH!!!
Pushing Daisies. Seriously, do i really need to make comments? Alright... Ned is hot & cute, I wanna eat pies every time I watch an episode & FUCK YOU ABC :D
Samantha Who? That's just too funny. & 20min is definitely too short XD
Skins. FUCK IT! I want the old cast back! They were just amazing, i loved every seconds of it <3
Chuck & Blair. They're just EPIC.
Ed & Bells. TEH love.
Chuck & Sarah. I want them together SO BAD XD
Kristen & Rob. I know, it's more an Ed&Bells pic but they're too cute. & Im just SO into them. OBVIOUS! They're obvious <3 EYEFUCK FTW :D
Marshall & Lily. That pic's priceless :) & they're awesome. I love Marshmallow <3 XD
Ned & Chuck. The cutest. Period.
Tim & Lyla. I was shipping them since season 1 :)
Jal & Chris. The most unexpected & the sadest. But they were so meant to be.
Last minute:
Ed & Bells. The
Wide Awake characters this time. Cause he call her 'my girl'. Because of the unicorns. Because they're tit for tat. Because of the fucking shiny curls. Because she fucking blush all the time. JUST READ THE FUCKING FIC DUDES!
Pic by
mygirlsunicorn Dates;
Heath Ledger's death. Jan '08. <3
Comic-Con. July '08. I really started to ship them. & MY GOSH, they eyefucked. A LOT XD
Obama President. Nov '08. Yes they can.
Mystery Jets + The Kooks. Nov '08. Amazing <3
Suricate warriors' day. Dec '08. BECAUSE IT WAS EPIC! & super-duper-hypra-giga magnificent <3 I love these girls & i can't wait for the 24th if it still works.
Special thanks to:
*hands some cookies* *hugs*
Told you, its huuuuge XD hope you survived! & that you enjoyed ;D if you survived, i give you cookies *hands the cookies* thanks for watching <3