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Jul 24, 2004 01:53

ahh my dad made me breakfast this morning! : ] well Christina picked me up today around 1? saw here sisters haircut&it looks sooo nice! while at her house we put PJs on&watched Signs&Honey. Honey was a really good movie! &Signs? well lets say Christina was scared shitless! lmao!<3 then we went up to Willowbrook with Tom Jarret Rozbo Derek Danny Kyle Chris&BJ. Saw Chelz&Chrissy. we also saw Jessica Gomez&Lindsay. took the bus home &me&Christina went to my house. Talked to my aunt&she told me that they hada put Tyler my kitty asleep today cause he was sick. : [ he was 12 years old though.. anyway, we were walking to Tom's house but Nadyne&Danielle saw us so we hungout with them. Got some CHinese food cause we were hungrayyy! then we hungout in the car! DUCK!! funny stuff! haha Then we went to Quick Check&met up with Anthony BJ Kyle Jess&Lindsay. everyone left except for me Anthony&Christina. We just hungout outside of Quick Check&talked bout stuff. :x then Miguel&Nicole (Miguels g.f) came. then me&Christina went to my house to get my stuff then back to Christina's cause Im sleeping overr! Had THE BEST CONVO WITH DAVY!  haha gotta love that kid! go to Speakyour_mind journal for convo! some funny stuff there! umm its 2:03am&were gonna play Spit then idk what. night kiddos<3
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