Sep 25, 2004 19:55
oh kay. s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y night, s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y night. uhg i hate waiting for people to make plans! bitch & moan bitch & moan. damn it people need to hurry up!
ok can i just say that flava-flav is one of THE creepiest, grossest guys ever on reality tv. and him hooking up with who (whom?) ever that crazy ass blond chic is, (who also by the way was beat with the ugly/creepy stick) makes them the nastiest thing i've seen on tv in awhile. icky.
i jogged today for the second time this week! i don't know what susan powers bug crawled up my butt, (i think maybe it was finnally getting rid of the allergies that were so bad i actually had vertigo and was seeing spots, ha) but i went over three miles! yay, now i just need to kick it up to like five times a week instead of two.
so i went with my parents to look at pre-fab homes today, the first of maybe three or four trips we'll be taking to look. it was really weird. nobody wants to move or see them move but at the same time, seeing a new, clean, not falling apart house was cool too. we're okies at heart and it's gonna be a bad day the day they move their stuff out, but at the same time, they so deserve a nice house, they're so past due. it was really bitter sweet and i got a little choked up, which despite the last couple of months, is not a usual thing for me. i know i'm never going to want to drive past the old place once they're moved out. and i KNOW i will not drive past it once the house is torn down. sad and weird. but in this day and age (and yes laura i'm aware of how grandma this sentance makes me) i guess it's for the best.