When the sun came up we were sleeping in...

Mar 20, 2005 17:13

Well Hello hello.

Since I already updated Friday I suppose I'll just tell you guys about Saturdayyy

So Jared came home yesterday and of course he came by to say hello to me and Ashley.  So we hung out at Ashley's for a few minutes and then he left and said he'd call us laterr.  So  then a few minutes later Josh and Morgan came and picked us up and we went downtown with them which was gay as hell might I add.  So we left at lik 10 30 and dropped Morgan off at her house and me and Josh and Ashley went over to Zakalakary's house and we hung out there with Zak and John Russ and Little Kyle and Jay and Jason and Chris Thompson and uhhh I think that's it.  So then Ashley and everybody was really really high.  Especially our "designated driver" Mr. Costa.  He was sitting on my lap while he was smokin and he kept tryin to get me to have some and I was like hell naw bitch!  So yes, I'm very proud of muhself :-).  So yeah then we left there around 12:50 or something around there and got back to Ashley's house.  Then I called Josh to make sure he got back to Zak's house okay and he insisted on coming back over and I was like "JOSH DON"T DRIVE" and he was like oh..I'm already up by Stone Street and I was urggh.  So him and Jay came and hung out in Josh's car with me and Ashley untilllllll 2?  Lol I miss hangin out with Jay he's so fuckin funny!!  So me and Josh slapboxed and i most definetely whooped his ass..ok no not really he won.  But it sounded good right??  Okay but yeah now I have to go cos Brittney's on her way and we're going to the Y.  So bye guys :-)


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