(no subject)

Oct 30, 2007 22:11

It has been two years since Helen began work, six polished caves, and ten centuries of artifacts. This is only an overview of things already known to exist-to make sure they are in the correct caves, are actually there, or else it would take far longer.

Helen, in her stubbornness, has never rushed ahead of herself while documenting. But today she is to enter the last cave, and her hair is held back in a black ribbon to keep it out of her eyes like it has been every day. It is a small one, no more than several dozen artifacts are supposed to be in it, but when she enters her eyes are drawn to a deep engraving in the far end. It appears to be an arched doorway, but nothing but the cave wall can be seen through it, it is carved into the stone.

If anything it is the oldest part of the caverns, and so she turns and begins inspection of the artifacts closest to the door. But the doorway keeps getting glanced at-there is no carved art that old in the House, not anywhere, not even in the room of light.

Helen is not patient, but she is stubborn. The strange doorway can wait.

oom, pre-canon, pre-milliways

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