era rep!!!

Apr 19, 2006 23:15

Hi Tiara and Silva,

I'd like to formally offer both of you the position of 2004-10 Era Rep on the UWPIAA board of governors. I still want to talk to Scott Reeder when I'm in Denver this weekend to see if he'd like to also be on the Era Rep committee for 04-10. We would like Tiara to be chairperson of the committee, and Silva and hopefully Scott as committee members.

Please let me know if you both will accept the position. Tiara, since you're in Denver, I'd like to sit down with you to talk about some of the logistics of this new plan, as well as some of the concerns and ideas that the board members expressed when we voted. Silva, after I talk to Tiara and we make some decisions (provided, of course, that you both accept!), then we'll report to you with as many details as we come up with.

Tiara, if you accept, you would be a full board member at our meetings on Friday and Saturday with full voting privileges. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow (good luck with the show!!), and Silva, I hope to meet you soon -- perhaps this fall, if our BOG meeting is in Europe as we hope!

Best regards,

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