So right now I am in Antwerp, Belgium (hello
eatmorewaffles). If my typing is really wonky, it's because I'm on the French Azerty keyboard and it takes some adjusting.
My host family's hosted tons of people before, including the next Tour Manager for Köln. This should be interesting. Their dog Meera is SO CUTE.
We went to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at The Hague (a town, not a building like I once thought) - quite an interesting talk about what exactly went on there and why the situation was so complicated. Definitely made me think about cultural differences.
They had a relly nice Peace Museum, but my stomach was aching so I didn't go. Aww man. Their Peace Flame was really nice though. Great idea.
Tomorrow - Amnesty International, with Melissa and some other people. Huzzah!
Also, if you are part of the crew and you're reading this, please say hello because I love readers. Thankee!