The Hot 15 Meme

Sep 04, 2006 17:08

I'm loo lazy to translate the meme. Sorry.

I was tagged by akzseinga. She's a bad woman.
Name 15 fictional characters you would have sex with (in no particular order, add reasons if you wish) and then tag 5 people to do the same.
I tag mlekopijca, nashirah, kubis, ewejka, szarooka. Sorry, girls ;).

LOTR, Faramir

He is a good guy, noble but not a king, a perfect knight. I was in love with him when I was thirteen and I still like him!

LOST, James 'Sawyer' Ford

He is a bad guy, his smile is irresistable and I love his dialogues. 'James' is my favourite English name, I just love the sound. The man is extremly handsome, by the way.

Gone with the Wind, Rhett Butler

I like his sense of humor and I'm crazy about this type of Protective Guys. Besides Ashley was boring.

Anne of Green Gables etc, Gilbert Blythe

Yes, kubis, I chose him. He's not exactly a man you would like to have sex with, but he is a man you'd like to marry. It connects somehow, doesn't it?

Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy

Yeach, you've read it correct. The name is Fitzwilliam and that's the only thing I DON'T like about him. I love Almost Perfect Gentlemen and I'm bloody proud of it!

Chocolate, Roux

Just look at him. Have you ever seen anybody THAT charming? ;)

Ogniem i mieczem, Bohun

The Sad Guy. And very complex as well.

Potop, Kmicic

Charming, happy, wild. And completly unpredictable. Mhrau!

HP, Remus Lupin

Sad. Responsible. Brave. Intelligent. Calm. A Good Knight, but not extremly good.

Kroniki Drugiego Kręgu, Promień

Intelligent, outsider, powerful, complex, a prince. Any questions?

The Three Musketeers, Athos

Did I mention 'Almost Perfect Gentleman' type?

PotC, Jack Sparrow

No comment.

Notre Dame de Paris, Frollo

Ok, I would never call him 'sexy', but I feel sorry for him. Really! Just read the book (not the Disney one of course!)

Shrek, Donkey

My Inner Sid just can't live without him.


Come on, the richest man in whole Rome! Besides, most of you expected sth acient, I couldn't dissapoint you :P.

And that's all. Akzs, you were right, it WAS relaxing. But I still think you're a bad woman.


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